Montage of HST ACS colour postage stamps of the BCGs of the constituent clusters and groups of the Cl1604 supercluster. Montage of HST ACS colour postage.


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Montage of HST ACS colour postage stamps of the BCGs of the constituent clusters and groups of the Cl1604 supercluster. Montage of HST ACS colour postage stamps of the BCGs of the constituent clusters and groups of the Cl1604 supercluster. Postage stamps were generated using the ACS imaging in the F606W band (blue channel), the F814W band (red channel), and an average of the two bands (green channel). As in Figs 7 and 8, the physical size of the postage stamps is 50 kpc on a side. The group/cluster associated with each galaxy increases in letter from left to right followed by top to bottom. The galaxies in this sample show a full range of morphologies, from a pure elliptical with hints of an extended halo (cluster B, top-middle panel), to a grand design spiral (cluster A, top left), to a barred ring spiral (cluster D, middle left), to a double-cored elliptical (group H, bottom left). B. Ascaso et al. MNRAS 2014;442:589-615 © 2014 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society