Gr 8: Development of Self in Society Term 1 Lesson 1- The safe space
Welcome to Life Orientation in High School 10min- Lets start off with a bit of a getting to know one another game. Many of you come from different schools and are still getting to know one another. So, on your table are a set of 12 cards with different emoji faces. I’m going to put a question up on the slide and then you need to choose an emoji and explain why you chose that card. Everyone understand? Here we go....
1) How did you feel on your last day of primary school?
2) How did you feel on first day of high school?
3) Pick a card and tell your group something interesting about yourself. Max 10-15min for this ice breaker.
Some SAFE PLACE RULES... One person talks at a time and everybody listens. Tell Aunt Anna 15min- Before we get started with Life Orientation at High School, its imporatant to know that in this classroom we will respect one another. We are all different and come from many different backgrounds. Explain the post box, as a place to put questions you might be embaressed to ask in class. Address your letters, ’Dear Aunt Anna.....’ So before we even get started, let’s work together to make a set of rules that will make you feel safe in class. There is an example of a rule on the slide. Now I’d like you to chat in your groups for 5min and come up with other rules that you feel need to be added to this list. Remember the aim is to create a climate where EVERYONE feels safe. Ask that in each group there is a spokesperson to write the two ideas down on a piece of paper. Give the groups time to give feedback to the class. (you could type these rules into the ppt as the learners give the rules. An additional list is included on the next slide. Ask them if they think any of those rules need to be added. (Include these extra items on your list _Class Rules and put up in the class before the next lesson. )
Some SAFE PLACE RULES... One person talks at a time and everybody listens. Treat others the way you want them to treat you. No breaking down or laughing! Treat others beliefs, cultures, feelings with respect. What we chat about in this class is confidential. Everyone should have a chance to participate. Learning is meant to be fun, but dont waste time being silly. Ask Auntie Box is f or anonymous questionsand confidential issues ONLY! Possible additional terms
Take a moment to think of how much you have changed over the last 8 years since you started school. * looks/ physical *skills/ interests 5min- allow learners to tell their groups things they have noticed about themselves. Some might say they got taller, more curves. Skills are those things that they have learnt to do.
What makes you UNIQUE? ABILITIES TALENTS Accomplishments SELF-CONCEPT These are the natural characteristics or qualities like walking, singing etc. TALENTS Potential abilities we are born with eg. artistic, dance, maths Accomplishments What you have achieved. Eg passing a grade, winning a trophy, drawing a picture SELF-CONCEPT The ever changing way you think about yourself. What makes you UNIQUE? 10min for this slide.- Explain the differences between Talents, Abilities and Achievements. Just mention Self-concept but we’ll develop this term in the next lesson. Give the groups opportunities to share 1 example of each term in their own lives. Uniqueness or individuality- these are the quaities that make you different from the people around you. These include your interests and potential.
How to grow confidence... 5min Allow learners to watch this clip and then they can either start working on Activity 1 if there is time left or complete the worksheet for homework.
ACTIVITY 1 Complete the table and questions in your workbook. Give learenrs the rest of the lesson to complete the worksheet called Activity 1_This is Me. If they do not finish, the rest is for homework.