The vertical ground reaction force–time waveforms generated by the model for FFS trials with varied m1 values. The vertical ground reaction force–time waveforms generated by the model for FFS trials with varied m1 values. For all panels, the solid black line represents the average of the vertical ground reaction force data measured during the trial, the solid blue line represents the model-predicted waveform from the average kinematics measured during the trial and the input m1 and m2 values, and the dotted red line represents the impulse resulting from the impact of m1 with the running surface. (A–C) Measured and predicted at 3.0 m s−1; (D–F) measured and predicted at 5.0 m s−1; and (G–I) measured and predicted at 10.0 m s−1. A, D and G illustrate waveforms predicted using m1 values of 1.5% total body mass and m2 values of 98.5% total body mass; B, E and H illustrate waveforms predicted using m1 values of 8.0% total body mass and m2 values of 92.0% total body mass; and C, F and I illustrate waveforms predicted using m1 values of 16.0% total body mass and m2 values of 84.0% total body mass. Kenneth P. Clark et al. J Exp Biol 2017;220:247-258 © 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd