Job Interview Questions for Prospective Business Education Teachers
What Business Education courses are you ready to teach immediately? How have you prepared yourself for these courses?
What textbooks did you use during your student teaching experience?
Give me an example of a discipline problem you had with a student. How did you handle it? Include the interaction you had with the department chairperson, principal and parent.
What was your biggest success in the classroom while you were student teaching? How would you replicate this type of success?
What was your biggest disappointment in the classroom while you were student teaching? How would you change a future situation?
Which club would you want to advise and why? DECA, FBLA, other?
Tell me more about DECA. How many members? What types of projects did they carry out? How much money did they raise? How did they do it? How did they prepare their students for the contests?
Tell me more about your experience in the school store. How did it operate? What did the students sell? Who were your vendors (by name). Did students receive credit for working at the school store? How much profit was generated each month?
Tell me about your involvement in professional associations such as the NBEA, BTA, LIBEC, WECA or SCBTA group.
What are the requirements for the New York State Business Honor Society?
Assume you were discussing high school graduation requirements with one of your students and his/her parents. Explain the details of a Career and Technical Education Endorsement.
How will you make a difference in our Business Education Department?
Added Value
Tell me what you know about the career planning process. What elements should appear on a career plan? What activities should a student experience in order to help in the decision-making process?
Tell me how you would run a work experience program. Are you certified? How do you feel about training plans? Can we give a student school credit if they are working for their parents off the books?
Tell me how would you set up and run an advisory board.
What do you know about distance learning or on-line learning? How do we bring these programs to our school?
We need someone to run a job fair for our school. Can you do this for us? Explain in detail.
Describe your own computer literacy background. What software programs can you use and teach?
We need someone to create a webpage for our department. Can you do this for us? Explain in detail.
Give me an example of how you demonstrated team work during your student teaching experience. Give details, the challenges, and the outcomes.
What are the three most important knowledge/skills you bring to this position?
How would the Business Education instructors at the school at which you completed your student teaching describe you? Give examples to validate their positions.
Why should we hire you?
Do you have any questions?