INFORMAL WORKPLACE TALKING Good talking depends on 4 critical factors: Voice quality- talking with variations in pitch, delivery, speed and volume. Speaking style- blending voice quality and personality. Word choice- finding the right vocabulary for the situation. Adaptation- fitting a message to the listener. 2
CONDUCTING AND PARTICIPATING IN MEETINGS In business you are likely to participate in meetings, some formal and some informal. If you are in charge of a meeting, follow these guidelines. Know parliamentary procedure for formal meeting. Plan the meeting: develop an agenda and circulate it in advance. Follow the plan. Keep the discussion moving.
CONDUCTING AND PARTICIPATING IN MEETINGS . 5. Control those who talk too much. 6. Encourage participation from those who talk too little. 7. Control time, making sure the agenda is covered. 8. Summarise at appropriate times. 9. Take minutes.
PARTICIPATING IN MEETINGS If you are a participant at a meeting, follow these guidelines: Stay with the agenda; do not stray- You should not bring up items not on the agenda or comment on such items if others bring them up. Participate fully- Participation should be meaningful. Your input should help the meeting move toward its goals. But do not talk too much- Always respect the rights of others to have the opportunity to speak too. As you speak, ask yourself whether what you're saying contributes to the discussion Cooperate- Anything that outwardly show your desire to help your group achieve its objectives. Be courteous- Being courteous is part of being cooperative.
FOLLOW COURTEOUS PROCEDURES When calling, introduce yourself and ask for the person you want. state your purpose early. Cover points systematically. When receiving a call, identify your company or office and yourself and offer assistance. When answering for the boss, do not offend by asking questions or making comments that might give a wrong impression; and do not neglect callers placed on hold. Listen when the other person is talking. Do not interrupt or dominate.
LISTENING Listening is just as important as talking in oral communication. Listening involves how we sense, filter, and retain incoming messages. Most of us do not listen well because we tend to avoid the hard work that good listening requires. You can improve your listening with effort. Put your mind to it and discipline yourself to be attentive. Make a conscious effort to improve your interpretation of incoming messages; strive to retain what you hear.
LISTENING Active Listening- is a technique that involves focusing on what is being said and reserving judgement. Back-channeling- repeating what you think you’ve heard is an effective way to focus your attention, as is asking questions of a speaker.
NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION Nonverbal (nonword) communication is the communication that occurs without words. One major type is body language- the movements of our arms, fingers, facial muscles, and other physical components. Our face and eyes are the most expressive means of body language. Gestures also send messages. Our physical appearance (clothing, cosmetics, jewellery, hairstyle) communicates about us.