Assertive Community Treatment Webinar: Week 2 Provider Safety Assertive Community Treatment Webinar: Week 2
Risks of in-home services In 2010, the health care and social assistance industry reported 653,900 cases of injuries and illnesses The injury rate in home-care settings is about 50% higher than that in hospitals, according to the US Bureau of Labor statistics
Objectives Become aware of actions to be taken in preparation for safety Identify the indicators of agitation Become familiar with tips for safety while on site What to do after the session Improve awareness of other hazards of providing in- home care
In preparation Know your client – The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior Effective communication for safety Share your schedule Let them know you’ve arrived Call the client ahead of time Use of a code word or phrase
In preparation Items for safety Car – make sure your car is serviced regularly and in good working order Make sure you have plenty of fuel Make sure your cell phone is charged Keep a charger in your car Clothing that is easy to move in
In preparation Awareness Be aware of your surroundings Know your way to and from the location Know what the neighborhood looks like at night Keep your keys accessible If you see suspicious activity, don’t stop in front of the house Use the initial phone call to gather vital background information
In preparation The unpredictable environment Conduct visits with another team member when possible Explore the possibility of having a supportive family member present (assuming ROIs are in place) Communicate with your team where you are, when you’ve arrived, and how long you’ll be
Indicators of agitation Physiological Indicators Behavioral Indicators Indicators of agitation
Indicators of agitation Physiological Indicators Involuntary shaking Breathing heavily Tensing of muscles Flushed skin
Indicators of agitation Behavioral Indicators Voluntary shaking Sudden or unpredictable movements/jolts Talking louder than usual Maintaining a fixed stare Scanning the room Anything out of the ordinary Indicators of agitation
Safety during the visit Stay calm and non-threatening Keep your guard up Listen to your gut instinct Always have your cell phone with you Examine all your surroundings Keep a safe distance from the door after knocking
Safety during the visit (continued) Locate all exits once inside Speak calmly, but firmness Look for signs of agitation Do not enter an elevator with suspicious-looking individuals or make you feel uncomfortable Don’t get too comfortable If you feel unsafe, leave
After the session Examine your surroundings before vacating the premises Let your team lead/support know you’ve finished the session Report any physical threats, verbal threats or any other events that took place that mad you uncomfortable
Other hazards Be mindful of household hazards Debris-littered floors Steps up or down into a room Sharps that haven’t been properly disposed of Shoes in the house Avoid touching animals Bed bugs Wash your hands regularly Take allergies into account before doing home visits Make sure your vehicle is equipped for harsh weather
Notes for Administrators Ensure staff is trained in crisis management Develop your own safety protocols Be aware of the importance of hiring qualified administrative staff, as they will be the primary point of contact