Adjectives p. 17 - 18
Adjective Modifies or limits the meaning of a noun or pronoun. Tells what kind, which one, how many, or how much. We saw the famous singer. We went to the legendary site.
Articles The most common adjectives are articles. Indefinite Article a, an Definite Article the
Adjective or Pronoun? Some words can be pronouns or adjectives, depending upon how they are used in a sentence. Pronoun Adjective This is my answer. Take this book. Did you get those? Look at those boys.
Proper Adjectives Formed from proper nouns; always capitalized. Common Endings -n, -an, -ian, -ese, and –ish American artists performed. We love Chinese food.
Practice & Apply p. 18 Write each adjective that is NOT an article in these sentences along with the word it modifies. Underline the word modified. 10. busy workers
Write on your ADJECTIVE card: ADJs answer…What kind? Which one? and How many? Many adjs fit into this frame: The _____ truck OR The truck was very _____. If it doesn’t fit, ask “Which one?” or “How many?” Describe NOUNS, but sometimes NOUNS can functions as ADJS Ex: The fruit truck.