ATC Clearances Chapter 3 Section C
Pilot Responsibilities May not deviate from a clearance unless you experience an emergency or the clearance will cause you to violate an FAR. If you deviate, you must notify ATC as soon as possible.
IFR Flight Plan and ATC Clearances Prior to flying controlled airspace when weather is below VFR minimums and in Class A airspace, you are required to file an IFR flight plan. May cancel IFR flight plan anytime you are operating in VFR conditions outside of Class A airspace. Should IFR conditions be encountered, the pilot must remain in VFR conditions until you file a new flight plan and obtain an IFR clearance.
Elements of an IFR Clearances Clearance Limit: Expect further clearance (EFC): used b/c of delays at destination Short Range Clearance: clearance is issued to a fix within or just outside of the departure terminal area. Departure Procedure: Route of Flight: Altitude Data: Cruise Clearance Holding Instructions:
Abbreviated IFR Departure Clearance Used by ATC to decrease radio congestion and controller workload. “cleared as filed”: indicate you have been cleared to fly the route as contained in your IFR flight plan.
VFR on Top Prohibited in Class A airspace Allows you to fly in VFR cruising altitudes of your choice. Request this clearance to climb through a cloud, haze, or smoke layer and then either cancel your flight plan or operate VFR-on-top.
Approach Clearances Circling Approach Clearance: Contact Approach: When a landing will be made on a runway that is not aligned with the approach being flown Contact Approach: Authorized by the controller; used to expidite the arrival if conditions permit. Visual Approach: May be initiated by pilot or controller.
VFR Restrictions to an IFR Clearance “maintain VFR conditions.” Restriction is only issued if requested.
Composite Flight Plan A request to operate IFR on one portion of a flight and VFR for another portion. Route should include all normal IFR route segments, as well as the clearance limit fix where you anticipate the IFR portion of the flight will terminate. May fly this flight plan anytime a portion of the flight will be flown under VFR.
Tower Enroute Control Clearance Alternative IFR procedure which permits you to fly short, low altitude routes between terminal areas.
Departure Restrictions Release Time: specifies earliest time you may depart. “Hold for release”: may not depart until you receive a release time or you are given additional instructions. Clearance Void Time: “clearance void if not off by..” ATC expects you to be airborne by a certain time. Ground Communication Outlet (GCO): provided remotely controlled, ground-to-ground communications facility that allows you to obtain an instrument clearance or close a VFR or IFR flight plan.
Clearance Readback You should read back that portion of a clearance containing altitude assignments, radar vectors, or any instruction requiring clarification.
Clearance Shorthand Fig: 3-43 Shorthand Symbols
Works Cited Jeppesen. Guided Flight Discovery: Instrument Commercial. Englewood, CO, 2013.