Importance of Environmental Approvals Why It Is Your Business to Know Good afternoon. Some of you might be asking yourselves why you should be interested in the subject of EIAs. You how important your industry is to the country. You have enough drama so why am I here to burden you with more responsibilities?
I HAVE ENOUGH TO WORRY ABOUT ALREADY Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
I HAVE ENOUGH TO WORRY ABOUT ALREADY Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
I HAVE ENOUGH TO WORRY ABOUT ALREADY Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
I HAVE ENOUGH TO WORRY ABOUT ALREADY Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
Environmental impact of construction Responsible for half of all non-renewable resources consumed A quarter of all waste comes from construction - UK 44,000 buildings & 270,000 homes demolished annually - US Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
Environmental impact of construction Demolition = > 90% of construction and demolition (C&D) waste in the US Up to 15% of materials delivered to build sites are not used 350 serious pollution incidents caused by construction every year - UK Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
Environmental impact of construction 534 million tons of C&D debris was generated in 2014 - US Building debris kills - China Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
Not an after-thought
Know your (F)acts Litter Decree, Water Supply Act, Public Health Act, Fisheries Act, Native Lands Trust Act, Crown Lands Act, Forest Decree, Mining Act, Penal Code, Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
Environment Management Act 2005. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) Identifies impacts of proposed developments Options for reduction of impacts Provides information Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
Environment Management Act 2005. EIA required? Scope of EIA report; Preparation of EIA report by proponent; Review of EIA report by processing authority; Decision on development proposal, including conditions Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
Ignore the environment at your own peril
Ignore the environment at your own peril
Ignore the environment at your own peril
Ignore the environment at your own peril
Ignore the environment at your own peril
Ignore the environment at your own peril
Ignore the environment at your own peril
Ignore the environment at your own peril
Finally Sustainability of supply chain Legality of supply chain Environmental responsibility B.S. will be called out Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers
Finally “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” ― Mahatma Gandhi Your industry is worth ??% of the economy of Fiji Your industry employs around…??? And brings $?? to the govt’s coffers