Energy Sources
1.055 × 1018 joules = 1 Quad
Oil Easily transported Easy to use Fossil fuel Releases Carbon Non-renewable
Natural Gas Harder to transport Easy to use Clean burning Fossil fuel - Methane plus heavier hydrocarbons and other impurities Harder to transport Easy to use Clean burning Fossil fuel Releases Carbon Non-renewable
Coal Abundant Fossil fuel Releases Carbon Non-renewable Destroys land
Hydroelectric Renewable Does not release carbon Kills fish Stagnates rivers
Nuclear Dense source of energy Does not release carbon Waste Proliferation/Terrorism
US Sources of electricity France Sources of electricity
Geothermal Destroy landscape Does not release carbon Essentially free
Wind Ugly Kill Birds Noisy Does not release carbon Essentially free/renewable
Solar Expensive Does not release carbon Essentially free/renewable
Biomass Carbon it releases came from the atmosphere Wood/Burning Rubbish Alcohol Fuels Methane Gas Bio-diesel Truck unloading wood chips that will fuel the Tracy Biomass Plant, Tracy, California.
Brasil 11 Mar 2006, Sao Tome, Brazil --- Trucks are loaded with sugar cane, which will be used in the production of ethanol. The ethanol Brazil produces from sugar cane is attracting worldwide interest, for it is one of the cheapest and most dependable types of fuel derived from renewable sources. Three-quarters of the cars now being produced in Brazil have "flex-fuel" engines, capable of running on either ethanol or petrol, or any mixture of the two. Brazil is the world's largest producer and exporter of sugar and ethanol.