Approaching Standards Below Standards Approaching Standards Meeting Standards Exceeding Standards Introduction ________/15 0-1 2-3 4 5 No or insufficient Title Slide No Objectives Many grammatical Errors Show no professionalism or aesthetics Title slide with no names Few Objectives Some grammatical errors Show progression of professionalism or aesthetics Title Slide with first name Objectives are copied Few grammatical errors Lacks either aesthetics or professionalism Title Slide with full name Objectives in own words No grammatical errors Aesthetically pleasing and professional Explore/ Engagement ________/30 0-5 6-9 10-14 15 Shows No or little of call outs and progression of projects and show adaptations Shows Few documentation of process (pictures, video, etc..) Shows Some Knowledge of call outs and progression of projects and show adaptations Shows some documentation of process Shows Skill of call outs and progression of projects and show adaptations Shows Most documentation of process (pictures, video, etc..) Shows Mastery of call outs and progression of projects and show adaptations Shows all documentation of process (pictures, video, etc..) Research ________/15 1 2 3 No or few resource verbally Resource was not credible None was stated in own words Research lacked depth No real-world applications Some resources given verbally Some resources were credible Some was stated in own words Research showed some depth Few real-world applications Resource were found in slide or in resource slide Most resources were credible Most was stated in own words Reach approached in-depth Some real-world applications Resource were found in slide and in resource slide All resources were credible All was stated in own words In-depth research was found Several real-world applications Creativity/ Critical thinking ________/15 No evidence of creativity No demonstration of critical thinking No demonstration depth of knowledge Few evidence of creativity Few demonstration of critical thinking Few demonstration depth of knowledge Some evidence of creativity Some demonstration of critical thinking Some demonstration depth of knowledge Several evidence of creativity Several demonstration of critical thinking Several demonstration depth of knowledge Extend ________/10 No evidence of extending beyond project No documentation of extending Few evidence of extending beyond project Few documentation of extending Some evidence of extending beyond project Some documentation of extending ALL evidence of extending beyond project ALL documentation of extending 21st century Skills ________/15 None or few of the 4 C’s No conclusion slide given No equal share of learning All 4’s present but lacked depth of understanding Some conclusion thoughts Some equal share of learning All 4 C’s strongly present either strength or weakness Conclusion slide or reflective learning Most equal share of learning All 4 C’s strongly present both strength and weakness Thoughtful conclusion slide and reflective learning (advice) All equal share of learning Total _______/100 Names___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _Period_________ Date__________