Recap of Lecture 11 Signals Analog and Digital Analog and Digital Data & Signals Periodic & Aperiodic Signals Sine Waves and its Characteristics
Overview of Lecture 12 Sine Waves and its Characteristics Control of Signals Time and Frequency Domain Composite Signals
Period and Frequency
Example 4.3 A Sine wave has a frequency of 6 Hz. What is its period? Solution
Example 4.5 A Sine wave completes one cycle in 4 seconds. What is its frequency? Solution:
Another Way to Look at Frequency Measurement of the rate of change How fast the wave moves from its lowest to its highest point Changes in Short Time: High Frequency
Two Frequency Extremes No change at all Zero frequency Instantaneous changes Infinite frequency
Phase Phase describes the position of the waveform relative to time zero Phase describes the amount of backward or forward shift of the waveform Measured in Degrees or Radians
Example 4.7 A sine wave is offset of a cycle with respect to time zero. What is its phase? One Cycle = 360 Degrees of a cycle = = 60 Degrees
Control of Signals Signal can be controlled by three attributes: Amplitude Frequency Phase
Control of Signals- Amplitude
Control of Signals- Frequency
Control of Signals- Phase
Time and Frequency Domain
Time and Frequency Domain Example
Composite Signals
Summary Sine Waves and its Characteristics Control of Signals Time and Frequency Domain Composite Signals
Suggested Reading Section 4.4, 4.5 “Data Communications and Networking” 2nd Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan