Warm-up Questions “The gods confound the man who first found out How to distinguish hours! Confound him, too. Who in this place set up a sun-dial, To cut and hack my days so wretchedly Into small portions. When I was a boy, My belly was my sun-dial; one more sure, Truer, and more exact than any of them. This dial told me when ‘twas proper time To go to dinner, when I had aught to eat. But now-a-days, why even when I have, I can’t fall-to, unless the sun give leave.” —Plautus, Roman poet, as quoted in The Discoverers Which of these statements summarizes the poem? The gods dislike sun-dials. Sun-dials will lead to mass hunger. Living by the clock is natural. Living by the clock is not natural.
Empire & Religion Chapter 11, Section 2 World History The Roman Empire Empire & Religion Chapter 11, Section 2 World History
Today’s Learning Targets I can use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can locate key geographical features of the Roman Empire on a map. I can illustrate the major events in the birth of Christianity. I can create a hierarchy chart of the Christian Church.
Warm-up Questions Which of these statements summarizes the poem? “The gods confound the man who first found out How to distinguish hours! Confound him, too. Who in this place set up a sun-dial, To cut and hack my days so wretchedly Into small portions. When I was a boy, My belly was my sun-dial; one more sure, Truer, and more exact than any of them. This dial told me when ‘twas proper time To go to dinner, when I had aught to eat. But now-a-days, why even when I have, I can’t fall-to, unless the sun give leave.” —Plautus, Roman poet, as quoted in The Discoverers Which of these statements summarizes the poem? The gods dislike sun-dials. Sun-dials will lead to mass hunger. Living by the clock is natural. Living by the clock is not natural.
Key Terms Covered Roman Peace Pax Romana A raised channel used to carry water from mountains into cities aqueduct
Key Terms Covered Those languages that evolved from Latin: Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian Romance languages Legal system based on a written code of laws Civil law
Key Terms Covered A religion based upon the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth Christianity “God’s anointed one” Messiah
Key Terms Covered A type of execution in which a person is nailed to a cross. crucifixion To rise from the dead Resurrection
Key Terms Covered 12 disciples whom Jesus chose to receive special training Apostles .
Freedom of Worship Romans allowed conquered people to keep religious beliefs and customs. Romans often adopted beliefs and customs Practical in approach – did not want to offend any gods Only band religion if it became political problem. Jews resented Roman rule and rebelled Hadrian banned some Jewish practices
Freedom of Worship Jews rebelled again Romans crushed rebellion – destroyed Jerusalem – Jews banned from Jerusalem
Today’s Learning Targets I can use academic vocabulary of this region and time appropriately. I can locate key geographical features of the Roman Empire on a map. I can illustrate the major events in the birth of Christianity. I can create a hierarchy chart of the Christian Church.