Histogram of channel events observed in Cx43-TM (gray) and Cx43-WT-expressing cells. Histogram of channel events observed in Cx43-TM (gray) and Cx43-WT-expressing cells. (A) Event frequency as percent of total events in each bin. (B) Difference induced by mutation of serine residues 325, 328 and 330. Notice the reduced incidence of events corresponding to fully opened channels (106±1 pS) and increased incidence of 75±2 pS. The 54±1 pS population was not different from wild-type and mutant data sets. Difference data were fit using Origin software yielding Chi2 and R2 for fit are 5.677 and 0.94, respectively (-WT, 1851 events, n=13; TM, 418 events, n=7). Paul D. Lampe et al. J Cell Sci 2006;119:3435-3442 © The Company of Biologists Limited 2006