Reasons Your Male Organ Is Sore After Relations
After doing the wild thing, a man should be elated and feeling good. Why, then, is his sausage throbbing and not feeling so good? There’s a lot of reasons a man could have a post-coital sore member. How can that be? Little things can add up and accidents can happen along the way to pleasure town. Here are five of some of the most common reasons a male organ is sore after relations.
Forget Something? One big reason men find themselves sore after relations is because they forgot the lubricant. The friction of relations can really irritate a man’s private parts, especially his skin. If his partner isn’t making sufficient lubrication, all that rubbing can wear away the upper layer of skin and expose the nerves and other sensitive parts of the layer of skin underneath. Solution: Buy and use a well-respected, good-quality creme. Do a skin test to ensure you’re not allergic. Use the creme the second things go a bit dry. Pull it out before relations to stay in the moment and just smoothly slide it on.
Stop Trying to Make the Guinness Book of World Records Okay, okay, everyone wants bragging rights as it relates to their prowess. Having relations seven time in one night or “going too hard in the paint” can wear out the member—it’s a muscle after all! Not only is it hard on the muscle, it’s also hard on the skin and all the connective tissue. No wonder your male organ is sore after relations! Solution: Take a few days off. Use some cool washcloths to relieve the throbbing. Take some ibuprofen and give the little fella some air. Do not engage in any sensual activity, partnered or solo, until a bit after the soreness fades.
Stuck in the Waiting Room Delayed emission is when it takes 30 minute or more to release. It can cause swelling, soreness, and tenderness and can last hours after relations until the blood fully drains from the member. Some guys are just born with it. It can also occur as a result of anxiety or stress, medications like antidepressants, prostate or urinary infections, hormone imbalances, and pelvic or spinal nerve damage. Solution: See a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
Member Poison Ivy? It is all too common for a man to be allergic to something, and many times it’s a latex protection. Over 20 percent of people are allergic to rubbers. If latex protection isn’t to blame, it could be anything from a new laundry detergent to creme to your partner’s body lotion. Solution: Wash it and wait it out. Rashes may fade more quickly with over the counter (OTC) allergy medications like Benadryl.
It’s a Traumatic Situation Male organ trauma, that is. Particularly acrobatic relations, too much sensual activity, or sensual activity that is exceptionally hard can all cause male organ traumas that cause a male organ to be sore after relations. Regular, easy, or just one session can also cause male organ trauma if the member goes in the wrong way or a partner accidentally pulls it too hard during manual or oral enticement. Some intimate positions that have a proclivity for causing a member injury include pretty much any standing or lifting position, and cowgirl or reverse cowgirl, all of which are among the most common, but these definitely are not the exclusive positions that can cause an injury.
Solution: Carefully approach each position and be sure to communicate. If the male organ is sore after relations and doesn’t retreat, it may be time to see a doctor. If you notice a large bruise on the member where blood is pooling, it could be a hematoma. Immediately head to the ER.
Relations can be rough on the man member. That’s why applying a specially formulated member health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) is an important part of every man’s day. This kind of crème will rejuvenate and heal the organ. Crèmes with special ingredients like L- carnitine protect against peripheral nerve damage and can help a man retain his sensitivity and prevent future soreness.Man 1 Man Oil