Brain colonization is strongly reduced by Ttyh1 deficiency Brain colonization is strongly reduced by Ttyh1 deficiency. a, Spheroid invasion assay from S24 shControl versus shTtyh1 cells in a collagen matrix 48 h after seeding. Brain colonization is strongly reduced by Ttyh1 deficiency. a, Spheroid invasion assay from S24 shControl versus shTtyh1 cells in a collagen matrix 48 h after seeding. The surface borders of the spheroids directly after seeding are marked as white lines (n = 3 spheroids per group; Mann–Whitney test). b, c, Representative single-plane images of S24 shControl (b) and shTtyh1 (c) tumors 20 d after implantation demonstrating the reduced brain colonization caused by the Ttyh1 knockdown; middle and right images show higher magnifications of the corresponding regions in the overview (left). Red, GBMSCs; turquoise, blood vessels; circle, tumor injection site. d, Corresponding quantification of invaded S24 tumor cells per range from the main tumor, which was defined as the area with a radius of 500 μm (n = 3 mice per group; Mann–Whitney tests). e, f, Equivalent representative single-plane images of T269 shControl (e) and shTtyh1 (f) tumors. Note that tumorigenicity is massively reduced in the highly diffuse infiltrating T269 cell line. g, Absolute number of tumor cells in T269 shControl versus shTtyh1 measured on a single-plane image of the whole hemisphere on day 20 (n = 3 mice per group; 2-tailed t test). b–g, Data obtained by in vivo MPLSM. **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. Erik Jung et al. J. Neurosci. 2017;37:6837-6850 ©2017 by Society for Neuroscience