Understanding Number I can check adding and subtracting calculation by rounding to the nearest 10 or 100. I use knowledge of context to decide if an answer makes sense. I can use skills of estimation and rounding in a range of real life contexts.
I can sequence numbers in the thousands. I can use the pattern for saying numbers to 100 to read, write and order whole numbers within each of the thousands. I can sequence numbers in the thousands. I can estimate the position of a numeral within 1-1000 on an empty number line. I can count forwards in multiples of 10s and 100s from any whole number in the thousands.
I understand the link between a digit, its place and its value. I can count backwards in multiples of 10s and 100s from any whole number in the thousands. I understand the link between a digit, its place and its value. I can use materials or diagrams to show how many 1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s in a 4 digit number. I can investigate how to partition whole numbers in different ways.
I know and can explain that zero is a place holder. I can compare different ways of partitioning the same number. I can use a number line to demonstrate different ways of counting on and back. I know and can explain that zero is a place holder. I can explain and show the effect of multiplying and dividing by 10.
I can explain and show the effect of multiplying and dividing a single digit by 10 and 100. I can recognise and name the decimal point in real life contexts. I can explain that the decimal point separates the whole units from the parts. I can explain that in money the decimal places actually refer to parts of a pound.
I can read and write decimal fractions correctly. I can explain that in measure the decimal places refer to parts of a metre. I know that the place value system can be extended to the right to show numbers between two whole numbers. I can explain the purpose of the decimal point i.e. it separates the wholes from the part. I can read and write decimal fractions correctly.
I can read, write and order decimal fractions correctly. I can count forwards and backwards in tenths/decimal fractions, including up and over whole numbers. I can use my understanding of decimal place value to work out the value of the marker on a scale. I can read, write and order decimal fractions correctly.