Family Relationships Agenda: Warmup = Brain Activating Riddle Healthy Family Relationships Activity: Edpuzzle Video Strengthening Family Relationships Activity: Build your own Support Map and Evaluate a Relationship Exit Slip
Warm Up 5 Minute Brain Break: Must stay in seat and talk quietly. Phones will be taken if out. Attendance and Role will be Taken By Instructor. Brain Activating Riddle:
Essential Question How can healthy relationships benefit your health?
Foundations of a Healthy Relationship What is a family? Family members may be related to each other by birth, marriage, or adoption.
Type of Families Nuclear Family – two parents and one or more children living in the same place. Single Parent families – one parent caring for one or more children. Blended families – these families form when a single parent remarries
Types of Families An extended family includes additional relative beyond parents and children. Adoptive families – these families consisted of a parent or parents and one or more adopted children. Foster families. Foster care is the temporary placement of children
Ed Puzzle Video
Brain Break 5 minutes
Strengthening Family Relationships Strong families support their members in a variety of ways. What are some ways your family support you? Is there anything you do to support your family?
Characteristics of Strong Families Good Communication. Healthy families share their thoughts and feelings honestly with each other. Caring and support. Family members show they love each other through words and actions. Respect. Family members respect each other’s opinions tastes and abilities. Commitment. Healthy families make time for each other. Trust. In a healthy family, parents earn their children’s trust by being honest and keeping their promises.
Changes in Family Structure Birth and Adoption Separation and Divorce Remarriage Death of a family member
Changes in Family Circumstances Moving to a new home. Changes in the family’s financial situation. Illness and Disability. Alcohol or other drug abuse.
Activities Build your own Support Map – Fill in the center box with your own name. Then fill in the rest of your support Map. Make sure to include the person’s full name and your relationship with that person. For example: Matthew Begany: Brother Evaluate A Relationship in your Life
Brain Break 5 minutes
Help for Families Violence in families can cause lasting harm. One of the most dangerous problems a family can face is abuse. Domestic violence or any other form of abuse directed as a spouse is called spousal abuse.
Types of Abuse Child Abuse is domestic abuse directed at a child. Child abuse may also involve neglect, the failure to provide for a child’s basic needs. Elder abuse, the abuse or neglect of older family members, is a growing problem that often goes unnoticed.
Exit Slip Complete Writing questions 17, 20, 21, on a separate sheet of paper.