Hazel Benza Employability and Third Sector Secondment Overview.


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Presentation transcript:

Hazel Benza Employability and Third Sector Secondment Overview

Overview Background / Policy Context Purpose of secondment role Approach Overview of first 6 months & key themes Next Steps Get involved Questions

Background / Policy Context 2014 Cambridge Consultants review Cluttered landscape / Lack of alignment Devolved employment support powers April 2017 - Opportunity to align services Fair Start Scotland rolled out from April 2018, but wider look at provision also essential More joined up and straightforward employability needed Wider programme of alignment and integration Cluttered = National progs, local delivery, LAs, ESF, third sector What does integration and alignment really mean? = Integration of delivery AND alignment of money – First step, how to align funding.

Background / Policy Context Focus on delivery of services for those furthest from labour market (Health, addictions, criminal justice) Not just programme development, but systematic change Move to system built around individuals No-one Left Behind – Innovation and Integration projects Test local approaches Long term agenda – Continual evaluation of lessons to be learned No-one left behind – 13 projects, 18 LA areas, £2.5 million innovation and integration fund Test local approaches – Linking employability support with health, social care, criminal justice and housing services Recognition by Scot Gov that still at an early stage and that systematic change takes time Continual learning process and openness to learn

National Performance Framework Our Purpose To focus on creating a more successful country with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish through increased well being and sustainable and inclusive economic growth . Our Values We are a society which treats all our people with kindness, dignity and compassion, respects the rule of law, and acts in an open and transparent way. Access the National Performance Framework NPF at http://nationalperformance.gov.scot/?_ga=2.265685519.1222820167.1532704559-113877893.1530626127 It includes 11 National Outcomes that set out the kind of country we want to be, and 81 National Indicators that will be used to track and measure progress towards achieving them. It was approved by the Scottish Parliament on Thursday 24 May 2018.

Policy Principles - No One Left Behind Dignity and respect, fairness and equality and continuous improvement Provides flexible and person-centred support Is straightforward for people to navigate Integrated and aligned with other services Provides pathways into sustainable and fair work Driven by evidence including data and the experience of users Support more people to move into the right job, at the right time. No One Left Behind: next steps for employability support plan sets out the next steps to take to deliver more effective and joined-up employability support across Scotland and was published in March 2018

Supporting People Into Work Delivering Employability and related Services Halving the Disability Employment Gap Working in partnership with LAs and others to create a truly person-centred system

A more integrated and aligned system Published Employability Review and signed Joint Working agreement with Local Authorities. Built on a collaborative approach to getting the right support to people at the right time. Focus on supporting individuals Aligning funding streams and integrating provision across wider services – with the right accountability. New partnership agreement with LAs will be critical to process Managing cultures, move to being open and engaging, collaborative approach – this takes time Work streams being created to support this process Aligning funding to local need – aligning national and local budgets Moving away from mechanisms that push organisations apart, instead find new ways to pull together

Purpose – Secondment Third sector voice within Scottish Government - Influence integration and alignment of services Review and improve third sector engagement Raise understanding of third sector within Scottish Government Evidence based third sector perspective – Effective commissioning and delivery models Support Scottish Government in development of next employability programme My background – experience of working for various third sector orgs, most recently homelessness Bring passion for third sector, understanding of values and challenges Scot gov welcome expertise from sector to influence from within

Approach Partnership Research Development

Partnership Relationship building, gaining knowledge of services and consultation Third Sector Employability Forum (TSEF) working group Engagement across third sector – Small and large organisations / Urban and rural / Variety of services Engagement with local authorities and third sector interfaces Co-working within Scottish Government – Policy, local authority team, service delivery team, wider third sector division, analytical team Central to role Working alongside TSEF Recognition that it is important to be as inclusive as possible – wide engagement Embedding third sector values within scot gov as widely as possible

Research Third sector engagement review – current engagement, best practice, key mechanisms, digital engagement Local authorities – Value of third sector locally, best practice, case studies How can value of third sector be better measured? – Measurement and outcomes Effective commissioning and procurement What is the ask of the third sector to Scottish Government? First priority is comprehensive third sector engagement review Establishing effective communication channels and mechanisms that support this = TSEF / LEPS / Local forums (TSIs)

Development New or improved mechanisms for engagement between Scottish Government and third sector Contribute to new measurement and outcomes framework Bring third sector voice to planning of next iteration of employability programme Influence development of co-production, commissioning and procurement processes Work with local authority team to support third sector involvement in development of local employability model Tangible outcomes

Overview of First 6 months Build foundation / relationships 50 visits approx. across sector Visits to third sector organisations, TSIs and Local Authorities Identify key themes Presenting at forums and events to raise awareness This role is about third sector – encourage to get involved

Overview of First 6 months Linking with third sector division and internal policy teams Identify interdependencies / internal work streams Creation of work plan Draft 6 month progress / check in report Supporting TSEF review This role is about third sector – encourage to get involved

Key themes Fair Start Scotland Funding Procurement / Performance management Insecurity of regional approach / COSLA partnership agreement General issues third sector / local authorities Engagement / influence with Scottish Government No-one Left Behind Lack of accessible information / mapping of local services Good practice – what works locally? Value of third sector Third Sector Employability Forum (TSEF) This role is about third sector – encourage to get involved

Next steps Comprehensive engagement review, looking at local and national engagement mechanisms Supporting TSEF review in line with engagement review Supporting work of employability stakeholder group Going forward more focus on commissioning, procurement, measurement and outcomes – Further consultation with sector Working with local authority team to determine action plan for third sector involvement This role is about third sector – encourage to get involved

Get involved Arrange a visit Attend a focus group Take part in consultations Contribute to case studies and best practice examples Share local knowledge and contacts Hazel Benza Third Sector Partnership and Engagement Advisor Tel: 0141 242 5478 Mobile: 07392 129276 Email: hazel.benza@gov.scot This role is about third sector – encourage to get involved
