CODE OF CONDUCT The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (hereinafter shall be referred to as the “Meeting”) of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (hereinafter shall be referred to as the “Company”) shall be held in Indonesian language. Meeting Attendants: Shareholders whose names are recorded in the Company’s Shareholders Register on April 22, 2019 or their proxies, have the right to attend, issue opinions and vote in the Meeting. In this code of conduct, if it is not specifically mentioned, what is meant by the Shareholders are the Shareholders or their proxies. Invitees are parties that are not Shareholders, who are attend on the invitation from the Board of Directors, and do not have the right to express opinion(s) and cast vote in the Meeting, but allowed to provide information, explanation(s) and/or opinion(s) regarding the Meeting Agenda being discussed when requested by the Chairperson of the Meeting.
CODE OF CONDUCT 3. Meeting Agenda: Pursuant to Article 23 paragraph (7) letters b and c of the Articles of Association of The Company, advertisements for invitation/notice of Meeting have been published in 2 (two) daily newspapers, Investor Daily and Kontan on April 23, 2019 by including the following Meeting Agenda: Approval of the Company Annual Report and the Ratification of the Company Consolidated Financial Statements, the Board of Commissioners Supervisory Actions Report and Ratification of the Financial Report of Partnership and Community Development Program for the Financial Year of 2018 and Discharge (volledig acquit et decharge) to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners from the Management and Supervisory Actions Carried Out for the Financial Year of 2018. Approval of the Use of the Company’s Net Profit for the Financial Year of 2018 Approval of the Remuneration/Income of the Board of Directors and Board Commissioners for the Financial Year of 2019 and Tantiem of the Board of Directors and Board Commissioners for the Financial Year of 2018.
CODE OF CONDUCT 3. Meeting Agenda: The Appointment of Public Accountant Firm to Audit the Company’s Financial Report and The Financial Report of the Partnership and Community Development Program for the Financial Year of 2019. Change of the Composition of the Company’s Board of Directors and/or Board of Commissioners
CODE OF CONDUCT 4. Meeting Attendance Quorum: For agenda 1 to agenda 4, according to Article 25 paragraph (1) letter a of the Articles of Association of The Company, the Meeting can be convened if attended by Dwiwarna A-series Shareholder and other Shareholders and/or their legal representatives who are jointly represent more than 1/2 (one half) of the total shares with valid voting rights For agenda 5, in accordance with Article 25 paragraph (4) letter a of the Articles of Association of The Company, the quorum is valid if attended by Dwiwarna A-series Shareholder and other Shareholders and/or their legal representatives who are jointly represent more than 1/2 (one half) of the total shares with lawful voting rights.
CODE OF CONDUCT 5. Chairperson of the Meeting : In accordance to Article 24 paragraph (1) of the Articles of Association of the Company, this Meeting shall be chaired by members of the Board of Commissioners appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Based on the Appointment Letter of the Board of Commissioners No. R.14-KOM/04/2019 dated April 30, 2019 concerning the Chairman of the BRI AGMS in 2019, Mr. Andrinof A. Chaniago (President Commissioner)/Independent Commissioner acting as Chairperson of the Meeting, Mr. Mahmud (Independent Commissioner), as Substitute Chairperson I and Mr. A. Fuad Rahmany (Independent Commissioner), as Substitute Chairperson II.
CODE OF CONDUCT 6. Discussion of Meeting Agenda : Chairperson of the Meeting will open and close in each of the Meeting Agenda. In order to ensure the orderliness of the Meeting, the Chairperson of the Meeting may delegate the authority to lead the Meeting and/or ask the members of the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners of the Company to provide explanations in each of the Meeting Agenda. In the event that it is needed, the Chairperson of the Meeting may request the members of the Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners of the Company and/or other related parties to provide explanations in each of the Meeting Agenda.
CODE OF CONDUCT 7. Question and Answer Rules : Before a decision was made for the Meeting Agenda, a question and answer session were held. Question and answer will be led by the Chairperson of the Meeting. The Chairperson of the Meeting may request the assistance of members of the Board of Directors and/or the Board of Commissioners to lead the question and answer session on each Meeting Agenda. The Chairperson of the Meeting or the party appointed to lead the question and answer will give the opportunity to the Shareholders or their proxies to raise questions and/or express opinions in writing. Verbal submission of questions and/or opinions will not be entertained To provide equal opportunity to shareholders/proxies, the Chairperson of the Meeting or the party appointed to lead the question and answer session will give the opportunity to raise questions or express opinions for 1 (one) time for each shareholder/proxy in every Meeting Agenda
CODE OF CONDUCT 7. Question and Answer Rules : e. Shareholders/proxies who wish to raise questions and or express opinions are requested to raise hand, then the Chairperson of the Meeting or the party appointed to lead the question and answer will invite the relevant shareholders/proxies to write down the names of shareholders or their proxies, total number of shares that he/she represented, and questions and/or opinions. All of those questions and/or opinions are submitted to the officers for further submission to the Notary and Chairperson of the Meeting or the party appointed to lead the question and answer session. f. Furthermore, the Chairperson of the Meeting or the party appointed to lead the question and answer session will read the question and/or opinion. After that the Chairperson of the Meeting or the party appointed to lead the question and answer session will answer, respond or delegate to other parties, such as Public Accountants, Legal Consultants, Notaries, Share Registrar, and/or Company Officials who handle the subjects concerned.
CODE OF CONDUCT 7. Question and Answer Rules : g. Every question submitted by the shareholders/proxies must fulfill all the following conditions: According to the Chairperson of the Meeting or the party appointed to lead the question and answer session, the question/opinion is directly related to the Meeting Agenda, and. In the opinion of the Chairperson of the Meeting or the party appointed to lead the question and answer session, the question/opinion is considered directly related to the Company's business. h. For the efficiency of time, the question and answer session for each Meeting Agenda is allocated a maximum of 30 (thirty) minutes.
CODE OF CONDUCT 8. Meeting Resolutions : All Resolutions shall be adopted amicably to reach a mutual consensus. In the event that mutual consensus cannot be reached, then the resolution shall be adopted by voting For agenda 1 to agenda 4, according to Article 25 paragraph (1) letter a of the Articles of Association of The Company, the Meeting Agenda resolution must be approved by Dwiwarna A-series Shareholder and other Shareholders and/or their legal representatives who are jointly represent more than 1/2 (one half) of the total shares with valid voting rights. For agenda 5, in accordance with Article 25 paragraph (4) letter a of the Articles of Association of The Company, the Meeting Agenda resolution must be approved by Dwiwarna A-series Shareholder and other Shareholders and/or their legal representatives who are jointly represent more than 1/2 (one half) of the total shares with valid voting rights
CODE OF CONDUCT 9. Voting : In accordance to Article 25 paragraph (10) of the Articles of Association of the Company, in the Meeting each share gives the owner the right to issue 1 (one) vote. In accordance to Article 25 paragraph (12) of the Articles of Association of the Company, in voting, the votes issued by shareholders are valid for all shares owned, the Shareholder is not entitled to authorize more than one power of attorney for a portion of the shares that he/she owns for different vote. These provisions are excluded for: Custodian Bank or Securities Company as Custodian representing the customers of the Company’s shareholders. Investment Manager who represents the interests of the Mutual Funds they manage.
CODE OF CONDUCT 9. Voting : c. Voting shall be performed as follows: The Shareholders or their proxies who cast abstention and those who disagree will be requested to raise their hands and submit the voting card; Shareholders or their proxies who do not raise their hand are considered to have agreed with the proposal in relation to the Meeting Agenda that is being discussed; In accordance with Article 25 paragraph (11) of the Articles of Association of the Company and Article 30 of the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 32/POJK.04/2014 regarding the Plan and Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies, shareholders of shares with valid voting rights present at the Meeting but abstention (not voting) are considered to issue the same vote with the vote of the majority of shareholders who cast their votes. The Chairperson of the Meeting will ask the Notary to announce the results of the voting
CODE OF CONDUCT 9. Voting : d. In accordance with Article 25 paragraph (9) and paragraph (13) of the Articles of Association of the Company, shareholder, either individually or represented by proxy, have the right to attend the Meeting, The members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Employees of the Company could act as proxy to the Shareholders, but their votes will not be counted. e. The proxy who is authorized by the shareholders to give an abstention or disagree or any vote, but at the time of voting by the Chairperson of the Meeting, the person does not raise his hand to vote abstain or disagree, then they are considered to approve all proposal submitted. If any shareholder of the Company arrives after the registration is declared closed and the number of shareholders' attendance has been reported by the Notary to the Chairperson of the Meeting at the time the Meeting has been opened, then the shareholders are still allowed to attend the Meeting, but are not allowed to ask questions and/or opinions, the vote doesn't count.
CODE OF CONDUCT If there are Shareholders and/or their proxies who leave the Meeting room at the time the voting is conducted, then the person concerned is considered to have agreed with the the Meeting resolutions. The Meeting attendants are expected to follow the Meeting in orderly manner and do not activate cellular phones during the Meeting. The attendant’s badge for the Meeting should be worn during the Meeting. The Chairperson of the Meeting reserves the right to take all necessary actions to maintain the Meeting takes place in an orderly manner, including but not limited to requesting the Meeting attendants assessed by the Chairperson of the Meeting have disturbed the Meeting to leave the Meeting room Matters that have not yet stipulated in this Code of Conduct may be determined later by the Chairperson of the Meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of The Company and/or applicable legal provisions.