Resistant Materials Unit 8
Check list of Tasks 1 produce three design sketches for an object in acrylic; 2 decide which acrylic object to make and give a reason why; 3 develop one final design in detail from the three sketches; 4 mark out and cut the acrylic to the desired shape; 5 smooth the edges of the acrylic by using hand and/or machine; 6 work in a safe manner under supervision; 7 heat and mould the acrylic to the desired shape; 8 decorate the object, e.g. using transfers, stick-ons or markers; 9 complete a written evaluation of the acrylic object; 10 describe two different moulding techniques for plastics.
Outcome 1 My design sketches drawn on …
Outcome 2 The acrylic object I will make will be … Outcome 2 The acrylic object I will make will be ….. The reason I have decided to complete this one is….
Outcome 3 - My final design idea with all my notes ….
Outcomes4, 5, 6, 7, 8, The making of my product … here is a photo of me working and my product
Outcome - My evaluation of the product I think that the process went… Outcome 10 - Two other moulding technique could use are