Survey of the Old Testament Chapter 46 Responding to God
The Old Testament as the Law of Love Photo: In the NT parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus draws attention to the law of love established in the OT to explain how one should define the "neighbor" who is to be loved. This wood carving from the Church of St. Aegid in Germany (19th century AD) depicts the Samaritan's story.
Worship in Light of the Old Testament Worship in the Ancient Near East What is Worship Knowledge of God Essential to Worship Photo: Worship in the ancient world consisted most significantly of caring for the gods. In this Egyptian tomb painting, the food offering is stacked high before the god Osiris, and the worshiper holds a flagon to offer a libation.
Worship in Light of the Old Testament (continued) Worship as a Response to God's Deeds Language Describing Worship Worship and Godliness Worship and Ritual Social Action in Biblical Context