Education for All (EFA) within the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) framework. Is Gambia on track with EFA & MDG? WORKSHOP ON INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR NATIONAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERS AND PARTNERS OCTOBER, 2010
INCLUSION BECAUSE The special needs children are often condemned to a poor start in life and deprived of opportunities to develop to their full potential and to participate in society. They are routinely denied access to the same opportunities for early, primary and secondary education, or life-skills and vocational training, or both, that are available to other children. They either have no voice or their views are discounted.
What is Inclusion Inclusion is part of a much larger picture than just placement in the regular class within school. It is being included in life and participating using one's abilities in day to day activities as a member of the community. It is being a part of what everyone else is, and being welcomed and embraced as a member who belongs. Inclusion can occur in schools, play- grounds, work and in recreation and most importantly in the home.
What is Inclusion (contd.) Inclusion is being a part of what everyone else is, being welcomed and embraced as a member who belongs. The goal of inclusion is achieved only when a child is participating in the activities of the class, as a member who belongs, with the supports and services they need. Inclusion is "not" a trade-off of supports and services for placement in the regular class and is not a trade-off of achievement of individual goals.
What is Inclusion (contd.) Children with disabilities are first and foremost children, worthy of equal respect, opportunities, treatment, status and place. Through inclusive education children with disabilities remain on a path that leads to an adult life as a participating member of society. Meeting all their needs together increases their ability to achieve academic and physical growth to their potential, and it enhances their overall quality of life. Inclusive education teaches all children team work and how to interrelate and function together with others of different abilities. They learn to value diversity, see the ability of others to contribute, and it gives children a sense of unity and purpose.
EFA Framework for Action The Dakar Framework for Action have six goals for education for all (EFA) goals agreed by 164 countries in 2000 (Dakar) and are the basis of the work of EFANet. The EFA goals call upon countries to deliver in the following areas: Early Childhood Care and Education, Universal Primary Education, learning needs of young people, adult literacy, gender parity and education quality.
MDG and EFA The MDGs comprise of 8 Goals, 18 targets and 48 indicators. In January 2008, they were revised to 21 targets and 60 indicators. The Gambia is committed to the attainment of the MDGs The two MDG goals on education are: to ensure that all boys and girls complete primary schooling by 2015, and to make sure that girls have the opportunity for education at all levels by 2015.
Is Gambia on Track?? Progress The education sector continues to be one of the priority areas of government as it attaches much importance to the sector in view of the increasing need for trained manpower for the country to attain its development objectives. Based on both normative and summative evaluations of various interventions conducted with support from the Education for All/Fast Track Initiative (EFA/FTI) and other bilateral and multilateral donors, there is evidence to indicate that significant successes have been registered within the sector. These include expanded access to education across all levels of the school system, particularly by girls in the rural areas, where, in some instances, interventions led to the unintended decline of boys enrolment. Owing to the comprehensive and successful interventions to boost girls enrolment, particularly since 2004, The Gambia is one of the few countries in SSA to have reached the EFA and Millennium Development goal of gender parity in primary schools.
Is Gambia on Track?? The GER at the upper basic level, which stood at 29% in 1998, has risen by over 30% to 65%. These achievements have ultimately contributed to the attainment of gender parity at the basic level (i.e., from Grades 1 to 9). Similarly, the GER at the senior secondary school level doubled from 15% in 1998 to 32% in MDG Goal 2 (proportion of pupils starting grade 1 who reach last grade of primary) has been attained. On track to attaining net enrolment in primary education and literacy among year olds. MDG Goal 3 (gender parity in primary and lower basic has been attained and parity at senior secondary is within reach)
Is Gambia on Track?? Challenges The disparity between boys and girls in enrolment, retention and performance. The three broad issues of providing quality education, training and retaining qualified teachers and other personnel Mobilizing sufficient resources for both recurrent and development purposes The curriculum gaps and shortcomings, especially of dovetailing the syllabuses to form a continuum from one segment of the school system to the other