Experiencing the science-policy interface in BECC research Ecosystem services in agriculture -project SOILSERVICE (FP7) Katarina Hedlund
Agriculture and soil threats Intensification of agriculture CAP Soil directive (EU) Decline in: Lead to: soil carbon soil erosion biological activity soil compaction soil biodiversity reduced resistance to pests reduced nutrient provisioning
Using ecosystem services for decisions incentives agricultural land use Institutions (farmers, EC) Ecosystems & biodiversity ”decision loop” Information on sustainable soil use Biodiversity tool box Values Ecosystem services Economy tool box After Daiily et al 2009
What Scientific results/knowledge? Optimal yield Optimal fertiliser use
Who were the stakeholders and how were they involved? EU level (commission and politicians), concerning CAP and a future Soil Directive They were involved in several workshops throughout the project The research questions were
Communication In a tiered approach, from local, to national and EU Valuation of services was one of the key messages that was used, then we could add on other scientific results. Problems with getting interest from national stakeholders in Sweden Need to interpret results more generally and to speak the language of the stakeholders
Concluding remarks To overcome the science-policy gap by involving stakeholders from the start. Important to remember to be specific Timing of action, in the the policy process Actively make networks among the stakeholders Communicate in the same ”language”