Different ways to promote health competences Objective in Finnish competence development is to create coaching culture open for effective learning in every day life. It means educations taken into coaches surroundings and using various methods. Main goal is to develop coaches learning skills. It is also important to include colleagues and other club actors to the process for enriching the co-operation. Active sharing with other coaches and open access to educational materials is one part of the continuous competence development. Learning can be formal, in-formal or non-formal and can happen in many surroundings.
Different ways to promote health competences Curriculum Methods Materials Coach developers Tools Vocational and Higher ed. Federations education Formal Co-operation Sport Club Seminars Tools Athlete + Coach Communication Discussion TV, Internet Communication Materials Non-Formal Congresses In-Formal Reflection Social Media Tutoring Tools Building communities Mentoring Further ed. Coaching communities Tutor, Mentor Systems, ed. Feedback Coaches clubs Reflection Enabling Reflection tools Feedback tools