Presentation to Tourism Select Committee 21 April 2010
National Tourism Department MTEF Request to National Treasury for additional funding for 2010/11 – 2012/13 2010/2011 R’000 2011/2012 2012/2013 Compensation of Employees 30 195 44 620 49 562 Operational expenditure 87 067 99 133 105 638 Computer equipment and office furniture 3 999 2 068 736 Office space 2 611 3 730 4 120 Transfer payments 45 000 138 200 131 700 Projects - 206 000 215 850 Additional request 168 872 493 751 507 606 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
NATIONAL TREASURY ALLOCATION ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
MTEF – Allocation 2010/11 – 2012/13 2010/11 R’000 2011/12 2012/13 Baseline 1 151 836 1 223 168 1 291 208 Less: Earmarked funding Office Accommodation EPWP Projects 12 026 297 157 12 945 325 091 13 838 285 088 Compensation of Employees Goods and services Projects 19 358 7 456 270 343 22 247 8 226 294 618 25 111 9 536 250 441 Less: Transfers - SA Tourism 631 685 672 283 705 677 International Tourism Marketing Financial Assistance Grading Council 465 560 151 125 15 000 493 527 160 756 18 000 517 910 168 867 18 900 Less: Transfers Business Trust Other transfers 40 000 11 300 20 000 7 200 25 000 7 475 Allocation available for NDT 159 668 185 649 254 130 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
MTEF – Allocation 2010/11 – 2012/13 2010/11 R’000 2011/12 2012/13 Allocation available for NDT 159 668 185 649 254 130 Compensation of Employees 79 122 89 856 135 478 Goods and Services 78 111 91 799 115 253 Capital 2 435 3 994 3 399 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
MTEF – Allocation 2010/11 – 2012/13 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
MTEF – Allocation 2010/11 – 2012/13 (including SRPP) 2009/10 R’000 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Compensation of Employees 89 631 98 480 112 103 160 589 Goods and Services 58 153 97 593 112 470 138 127 Transfers 11 000 11 300 7 200 7 475 Capital 412 2 435 4 494 3 899 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained. Ratio 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Compensation / Operational 1:0.65 1:0.99 1:1 1:0.86
MTEF – Allocation per Programme 2010/11 – 2012/13 2009/10 R’000 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Administration 96 968 124 289 139 489 178 470 Tourism Development 325 104 360 936 371 220 342 383 Tourism Growth 719 605 655 613 694 200 735 967 Policy, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation 14 981 11 998 18 259 34 388 Total 1 155 658 1 151 836 1 223 168 1 291 208 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
MTEF – Allocation : Administration 2010/11 – 2012/13 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Minister 1 1,816 1,916 2,012 Deputy Minister 1 1,496 1,578 1,657 Director-General 2,045 2,232 3,218 Chief Operating Officer 5,189 5,511 5,680 Ministry 31,323 35,642 37,454 Corporate Affairs 1,896 2,032 2,094 Communications 8,062 8,728 12,956 Internal Audit 2,070 2,269 2,408 Office of the Chief Financial Officer 10,734 12,685 19,023 Information Technology and Administration 14,050 16,001 16,302 Office Accommodation 12,026 12,945 13,838 Human Resources and Transformation 10,485 11,487 14,642 Legal Services 3,065 3,613 3,794 Business Performance Management 12,703 14,352 24,184 Buildings Management and Admin Support 7,329 8,498 19,208 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
MTEF – Allocation : Tourism Development 2010/11 – 2012/13 2011/12 2012/13 Tourism Development Management 3,535 3,742 8,856 Product and Enterprise Development 13,193 15,158 15,855 Social Responsibility Implementation 297,157 325,091 285,088 Sector Transformation 7,051 7,229 7,584 Business Trust 40,000 20,000 25,000 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
MTEF – Allocation : Tourism Growth 2010/11 – 2012/13 2011/12 2012/13 Tourism Growth Management 3,535 3,742 8,856 Marketing, Responsible Tourism and Quality Assurance 7,020 8,397 11,267 Capacity Building 13,373 9,778 10,167 South African Tourism 631,685 672,283 705,677 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.
Policy, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Management 3,535 3,742 MTEF – Allocation : Tourism Policy, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation 2010/11 – 2012/13 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Policy, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Management 3,535 3,742 8,856 Policy Development and Evaluation 2,146 4,271 9,324 Research and Knowledge Management 5,317 10,246 16,208 ToRs (M&E) Incorporated into the development and implementation of the M&E system as per management directive and Bid Committee approval for the M&E system development approval obtained.