Sunday School Theme: The Family Children and Intermediates Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
Honor your father and your mother “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother”, which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth”. Ephesians 6:1-3 Davi era filho de Jessé e tinha sete irmãos. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
God oriented in His Word how children would treat their parents: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” Exodus 20:12 Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
What does honor your father and your mother mean? It is more than obey. It is love, value, respect and listen to their advice. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
Joseph honored his parents Joseph honored his parents. One day, God showed him in dreams that he would be a blessing for his family JACOB RACHEL JOSEPH Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
GOD DID NOT FORGET JOSEPH! The brothers of Joseph did not like that. They got envious and sold him as a slave GOD DID NOT FORGET JOSEPH! JOSEPH Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
Joseph passed some difficult moments, but he NEVER lost his faith in God Even distant of his family, he practiced what he had learned from his parents. JOSEPH Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
Pharaoh saw that God was with Joseph. He made him governer of Egypt Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
The famine came to Canaan and the brothers of Joseph went to Egypt The famine came to Canaan and the brothers of Joseph went to Egypt. Joseph gave them food JOSEPH Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
Have you been honoring your father and your mother? The one that honors their parents, is the one that obeys even being far away from them. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
We must honor our parents We must honor our parents. Acting this way, the Lord will bless us and prolong our days! Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson
Question for Children and Intermediates What is the commandment with promise that God gave to the children? Answer: “Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:2-3. Maranatha Educational Bible Institute - Work of Children, Intermediates, and Adolescents - The Family - 3rd lesson