Ms. Cykiert English 2H Period 5 MACBETH Word Wall Ms. Cykiert English 2H Period 5
Plight (n.)
Dilemma; troubles; predicament.
Valiant (adj.)
Brave or courageous.
Dismal (adj.)
Miserable, gloomy, depressing.
Fantastical (adj.)
Unbelievable or out-of-this-world; often used to refer to something supernatural.
Prophetic (adj.)
Visionary or predictive; associated with the idea of prophets, which were people believed to see the future.
Venture (n.)
Undertaking, scheme, or project.
Surmise (v.)
To guess or induce.
Commendation (n.)
Praise or approval.
Trifle (n.)
Something of little importance or value.
Rapt (adj.)
Absorbed, captivated, or enthralled with something.
Chastise (v.)
To punish or severely criticize.
Dwindle (v.)
To make or become less until little remains.
Stealthy (adj.)
sneaky or sly.
to ask for (someone or something) to come; to send or call for (someone or something).
Appall (v.)
horrify, shock, or disgust.
Provoke (v.)
incite, aggravate, or irritate.
Obscure (adj.)
unclear, unintelligible, or doubtful.
Sacrilegious (adj.)
Blasphemous, irreverent, disrespectful.
Renown (n.)
fame, repute, or popularity.
Pretense (n.)
A charade, façade, or act of deception; putting on a “front.”
Contend (v.)
to compete or challenge.
Verity (n.)
statement of truth; reality
Parricide (n.)
the act of killing one’s mother, father, or close relative.
Predominant (adj.)
having power over others; prominent
Vile (adj.)
highly offensive; repulsive; disgusting.
Assail (v.)
to attack vigorously or violently; to assault.
Nonpareil (n.)
A person or thing that has no equal.
Resolute (adj.)
determined; firmly set in purpose or opinion.
Pernicious (adj.)
hurtful; deadly; fatal.
Diminutive (adj.)
small; little; tiny; a small thing or person.
Treachery (n.)
violation of faith; betrayal of trust.
Dolor (n.)
sorrow or grief.
Impediment (n.)
obstruction; hindrance; obstacle.
Hoodwink (v.)
to deceive or trick
knell (n.)
the sound made by a bell rung slowly, especially for a death or a funeral.
antidote (n.)
a medicine or other remedy for counteracting the effects of poison.
dire (adj.)
causing or involving great fear; dreadful; terrible.
equivocation (n.)
the use of ambiguous or unclear statements to mislead.
harbinger (n.)
a person sent in advance to announce another’s arrival; omen; sign.
abhor (v.)
to loathe, detest, or hate.
usurper (n.)
One who wrongfully or illegally seizes and holds the place of another.