RIGHT OF CHILDREN TO FREE AND COMPULSORY EDUCATION ACT, 2009 Vikram Sahay, Director, Ministry of HRD, Govt. Of India
Education a Fundamental Right : India Supreme Court (1992) : Right to Education inherent in ‘Right to Life’ and ‘Right to Equality’ Directive Principles of State Policy Article 21A (2002): “The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age Of six to fourteen years in such manner as the State may determine, by law.” Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 21A and RTE Act enforced w.e.f. 1st April, 2010
Exctract from Objectives of RTE Act “…..Provision of free and compulsory education of satisfactory quality to children from disadvantaged group and weaker sections is, therefore, not merely the responsibility of Schools run or supported by the appropriate Governments, but also of schools which are not dependent on Government schools.”
Dimension Financial Commitment 1.2 million schools 8 million Children not in school 200 million children Financial Commitment Child Labour Pluralistic society Disadvantaged and weaker section
Right of Children Free and Compulsory admission, attendance, Completion of Elementary Education Compulsion on Government Duty of Parents Removal of Financial barrier Special provision for children with disabilities No Expulsion No detention Bars corporal punishment Mental harassment Special provision for Out-of-School children
Academic Responsibilities Teachers National level Teacher qualification norms 1 maintain regularity and punctuality 2 complete prescribed curriculum in specified time 3 assess learning ability of each child; supplement additional instructions 4 Hold regular meetings with parents Academic Responsibilities Prohibits Private Tuition Prohibits Teacher deployment for Non-educational purpose
Teacher position and challenges 600,000 untrained teachers 500,000 posts vacant Another 500,000 teachers required Rural-urban imbalance in deployment Imbalance in availability of TEIs Curriculum Reforms Assessment and Evaluation SHRDC programme on BSSFA, Islamabad, 18-29th April, 2011
SHRDC programme on BSSFA, Islamabad, 18-29th April, 2011 Recent Initiatives Development of a new National Curriculum Framework on Teacher Education, linking with NCF, 2005 and the RTE Act, 2009 Model sylabii for elementary, secondary and Masters programmes in Teacher Education courses Preparation of a compendium of resource material for student-teachers Implications of RTE Act on ITP and CTD Development of State-specific distance TE courses for untrained teachers SHRDC programme on BSSFA, Islamabad, 18-29th April, 2011
School Management Committee in Government schools Each School 1 one classroom for every teacher 2 barrier-free access 3 separate toilets for boys and girls 4 drinking water facility 5 playground 6 Boundary wall/fencing 7 Library 8 play material, games 1 PTR 1:30 (Primary) 2 PTR 1:35 (U Primary) 3 Subject teachers in Upper primary 4 part-time instructors 5 200 working days (Pr.) 6 220 working days (u. Pr) 7 45 working hrs/week 8 TLM Infrastructure Academics School Management Committee in Government schools to monitor school functioning
Schools SOCIAL EQUITY ISSUES No screening for No capitation admission fees Penal Provisions No school Without recognition >/=25% admission in private schools from Children from disadvantaged/weaker section SOCIAL EQUITY ISSUES Free education to at least 25% children in Aided schools
No Board Examination till completion of EE Curriculum Conform to constitutional values Make child free from fear, trauma, anxiety child-centred, child-friendly learning through activities instruction in child’s mother tongue as far as practicable Continuous and comprehensive evaluation Content/Principles No Board Examination till completion of EE
Duties: Central Government Develop national framework of curriculum Develop and enforce standards of teacher training Lay down minimum teacher qualification norms Prepare estimates of capital and recurring expenditure Provide resources to State Governments
Duties: Appropriate Government, Local Authority Ensure Free and compulsory education Establish neighbourhood school within 3 years Special training for un-enrolled and drop-out children Monitoring of admission, attendance, completion of EE Timely prescription of curriculum, courses of study, Teachers’ training
Protection of Right Grievance for violation of rights of the child Local Authority – First level of Grievance redressal Grievance for violation of rights of the child Parents Guardian Any person State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
Steps taken for implementation Model Rules circulated; Central Rules notified 27 StatesUTs have notified State Rules Rs 2.31 lakh crore approved for 5 years New implementation norms notified New teacher qualification norms; Teacher Eligibility Test
Steps taken for implementation 27 States have notified prohibition of corporal punishment 25 States notified prohibiting screening and capitation fees 25 States notified banning Board exams in class VIII 25 States have notified academic authority
Teacher Qualifications Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test 50% in Class XII with 2-year D.Ed 50% in Class XII with 4-year B.El.Ed (Special Education) Graduation with 2-year D.Ed 50% in Graduation with 1-year B.Ed 50% in Class XII with 4-year B.El.Ed (Special Education) Class I-V Class VI-VIII Pass in Teacher Eligibility Test
What Government expects from unaided schools Follow the admission Guidelines issued by the Government Ban capitation fees, private tuition Adhere to the norms and standards in the Schedule Admit children from disadvantaged group and weaker section Appoint persons who have passed TET as school teachers
What Government expects from unaided schools No detention, no expulsion of children in classes I-VIII No corporal punishment to children Seek recognition from the State Government Follow curriculum based on principles enshrined in section 29 Orient teachers towards their duties under the RTE Act
For further details visit : www.education.nic.in Thank You For further details visit : www.education.nic.in vikramsahay7@gmail.com Teachers Touch Tomorrow