Ioffe Summary Fast MHD oscillations observed on the TUMAN-3M in absence of energetic ions Bursts of the oscillations correlate with saw-tooth crashes and propagate in counter-current direction Frequency of the oscillations exhibit Btn-05 dependence typical for Afven waves Poloidal slowing-down LHCD on Globus-M resulted in 30 kA CD with 0,25·1019AW-1m-2 efficiency Single TAE mode generation on Globus-M with n=1 at NBI of 27 keV, 0.75 MW At D-injection into D-plasma TAE induces drop of neutron rate up to 25% and NPA flux up to 70% Isotopic effect: weaker modes and lesser losses at H-injection due to smaller Larmor radius The turbulence level modulation at the GAM frequency due to the GAM-produced plasma rotation shear is demonstrated experimentally for the first time in the FT-2 tokamak. The effect is enhanced in D-discharge where the GAM amplitude is increased resulting in the stronger drift turbulence suppression during the GAM bursts and in smaller level of the diffusivity compared to the FT-2 H-discharge thus providing an example of the isotope effect GAM triggering of the H-mode transition is simulated for TUMAN-3M with Er shear-dependent diffusion Two scenarios of the low-threshold absolute parametric decay instability in 2nd harmonic X-mode ECRH experiments leading to anomalous absorption are analyzed theoretically: Parametric excitation of Electron Bernstein Wave trapped in the drift-wave eddy or blob and heavily damped ion mode at power threshold of 50 kW explaining the fast ion tails observed at TCV and TJ-II Parametric excitation of two upper hybrid plasmons trapped in the magnetic island at 100 kW threshold explaining anomalous backscattering observed at TEXTOR Three diagnostic systems for ITER are being developed in Ioffe institute: Neutral Particle Analysis, Divertor Thomson Scattering and Gamma Spectroscopy