The Counselor and the Community
The Community as the Client Spirit of aspirational ethics The need to change the environment to accommodate the person (systems or ecological approach to change) * meso/macro level interventions Looking at behavior contextually (conditions may have multiple causes) * self-destructive behavior The need to be aware of community resources, cultural influences, and ability to balance various roles as the professional
Roles of Counselors Working in the Community The community oriented counselor as opposed to psychotherapist Change agent Consultant Adviser Advocate (The Personal is Political) Facilitators of indigenous support systems * i.e. African-American Church Facilitators of indigenous healing systems * i.e. Native-American elders
Working within the System and the Agency Making the system work for the worker and the consumers * Beneficence and Nonmaleficence Funding issues (lack of) * doing more with less Administrative issues * agency policy and procedures Focusing on what can be changed Not working for an agency whose policies are in opposition to your personal set of ethics