Full Day Kindergarten Cheshire Public Schools Board of Education Curriculum Committee Meeting November 12, 2012
Kindergarten: The Need for Time Kindergarten is a critical year for all children – a year of transition from preschool programs or home to their first formal schooling. It marks the start of a child’s long-term K-12 experience in our schools. It is our first opportunity to get to know each child and begin to build important foundations to facilitate learning skills that will last a lifetime.
Full day kindergarten in the Cheshire Public Schools for all students Proposal Full day kindergarten in the Cheshire Public Schools for all students
Connecticut and Full Day Kindergarten 73 school districts; 7 Charter Schools and 11 Magnet Schools provide full-day kindergarten to all children.* 63% of Connecticut kindergartners are in full-time programs.* 40% more districts offer full day K than five years ago.* DRG B – Greenwich, West Hartford, Woodbridge, Glastonbury, (Madison) *October 11, 2011 SDE Kindergarten Enrollment
Kindergarten Enrollment in cheshire 2013 - 2016 Anticipated Enrollment Class Size Budg# A.I. Total 16 18 20 2013 – 2014 = 228 + 25 = 253 Full Day Classrooms Needed = 16 14 13 2014 – 2015 = 261 + 25 = 286 Full Day Classrooms Needed = 18 16 15 2015 – 2016 = 253 + 25 = 278 Full Day Classrooms Needed = 18 16 14
Classroom Space Availability 2013 - 2014 Darcey 9 existing classrooms Norton 2 reduce L.R./SPED spaces Doolittle 2 reduce L.R./SPED spaces Highland 3 reduce L.R./SPED spaces Chapman 3 2 open/reduce LST space Total 19
Anticipated Savings (Estimated) Reduction in transportation costs for a full day program compared to a half day program (2 runs instead of 4) $125,000
Potential Funding Implications (Based on 16 Full Day Kindergarten Classrooms) 8 Classroom Teachers $560,000 8 Instructional Assistants $116,000 Furniture: Tables, Chairs, etc. $75,000 Materials/Supplies $50,000 Total Cost $801,000 Cost Savings: Transportation -$125,000 TOTAL $676,000
Next Steps… Develop and Administer a Survey for Parents/Community Complete a Detailed Feasibility Study