Education for Sustainable Development -Curriculum Teaching and Learning Anne MacDiarmid- ESD consultant K-12
Overview Manitoba’s ESD vision for students Educating for Sustainability ESD website Eco-Globe Schools recognition program ESD grants Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Manitoba’s Vision Students will become informed and responsible decision-makers, playing active roles as citizens of Canada and the world, and will contribute to social, environmental, and an equitable quality of life for all, now and in the future. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Importance of ESD Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
ESD – a top priority for Manitoba Education Identified where ESD can be taught in existing curriculum Identified learning resources to support the teaching of ESD Provide supports to teachers and schools to develop ESD lesson and unit plans Provide professional learning opportunities for teachers in support of teaching ESD Provide professional opportunities to school and school division administrators in support of ESD - Promote ESD research - Strengthen cooperation and partnerships on ESD regionally, nationally and internationally with government, NGO’s, business, industry, communities and youth Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
SEdA Conference Sustainability and Education Academy Inspiring educational leaders to create a culture of sustainable development, integrated into all aspects of the K-12 education system. October 4-7, 2009 Hecla, Manitoba Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
1.Governance A systemic approach to implementing Sustainable Development. Priority in Division Strategic Plan Board and Policy development Committees Budget Community Partnerships Evaluation and Monitoring Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
2.Teaching and Learning Students acquire and demonstrate the knowledge ,skills ,attitudes and life practices that contribute to a sustainable future. Cross curricular focus of ESD in all subjects Project-based learning focused on ESD Pedagogy focused on systems thinking,inquiry,active learning, futures thinking, problem solving from a local and global perspective Connections to student engagement, citizenship and relevance. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
3. Human Resources Human resources policies, practices and development plans are aligned with sustainable development principles. Professional development is provided for professional and support staff Education for Sustainable Development practices are profiled and recognized Succession Planning (e.g. Leadership Development) Develop and Implement a staff wellness plan Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
4. Facilities and Operations Sustainable principles are applied to the design, construction and renewal of division buildings and all aspects of facility management, procurement, resource use and transportation. Facilities and operations assessment Facility renewal plan based on LEED or equivalent standard Operations plan that includes actions in procurement, energy efficiency, water conservation and waste reduction. Schools structure and outdoor space are “facilities that teach” sustainable practices Develop a sustainable transportation plan Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Educating for Sustainability Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
What Does Educating for Sustainability Include… Knowledge Skills Values and Attitudes Behavior Preparing students, so that, as adults, they are able to deal with the challenges of living sustainably on both a local and global level. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Ask yourself the question, What knowledge and skills will help our students to make ethical decisions that advance social justice, environmental protection and peace? The Earth Charter Initiative Secretariat Guidebook for Teachers Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
ESD across the curriculum ESD themes are integrated into each subject in every grade: Social Studies Science Health/Physical Education Math English Language Arts Art ,Music, Drama, Dance Grades 7-9 total Social Studies – 99 Science – 42 PE/Health – 36 Easily adapted into math, ELA, art Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Education for Sustainable Development – Early Years (K to 4) Students learn to think about their own and others needs and to consider the needs of future generations. Major themes in these grades include: Respect and concern for other people in the local community and other places in the world Concern for all living things in our environment. Students learn that human survival is dependent on the environment Respecting the natural environment while participating in physical activity Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Education for Sustainable Development Middle and Senior Years Manitoba’s ESD vision is for students to become responsible and active citizens within their communities. This means students make informed decisions and take actions to improve their world. Major themes in these grades include: Being good stewards of the environment To care about and take part in their communities Promote physical activity and healthy lifestyle practices Education for Sustainable Development Middle and Senior Years Manitoba’s ESD vision is for students to become responsible and active citizens within their communities. This means they make informed decisions and take actions to improve their world. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
NEW- ESD curriculum Community and Diversity-Interdisciplinary Early Years Multimedia unit (Grade 4) Balance and Harmony-Interdisciplinary Middle Years Multimedia unit (Grade 7) Grade 8 and Grade 12 -Lake Winnipeg Grade 12 Global Citizenship and Sustainability Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Social Studies Active Responsible Citizens K-12 They are aware of the world in which they live they care about people around them—the people with whom they share this planet, both near and far away. They know that their actions affect others. They have informed opinions, and think critically about issues that concern themselves and others. They have the confidence to make their voices heard, to take a stand on issues, and to engage in social action when necessary. They are concerned with the well-being of the environment, and live their lives in ways that reflect that concern. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
ESD website
ECO-Globe Schools Recognition Program A Whole School Approach to ESD Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
ECO-Globe Schools Criteria Awareness - a school community at this level has a general awareness of the principles and practices of sustainability. Action- a school community at this level includes ESD Awareness and is committed to a variety of ongoing sustainability practices. Transformation- a school community at this level incorporates Awareness and Action and is characterized by a school-wide culture transformed by an ongoing commitment to the principles and practices of ESD. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Grants for ESD Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
Education for Sustainable Development Categorical Grant ESD Grants Education for Sustainable Development Categorical Grant The intent of the Education for Sustainable Development Grant is to support schools/school divisions in their efforts to incorporate Education for Sustainable Development into all aspects of school division and school activities, operations, and programming. The $700.00 grant is issued to schools in the fall. MECY and Hydro ESD Grant. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth and Manitoba Hydro introduced Education for Sustainable Development Grants to promote professional learning for sustainability in classrooms. The grants provide up to $2,000 to cover expenses, such as teacher release time, professional development, and teaching/learning resources for sustainability education. Deadline for Application for 2009-2010 will be February, 2010 Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
SDIF: The Sustainable Development Innovation Fund. The SDIF provides funding for the development, implementation and promotion of environmental innovation and sustainable development projects delivered by local governments, industry, community and youth groups, Aboriginal organizations, and First Nation communities. Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development
ESD contacts Anne MacDiarmid Renée Gillis Sustainable Development Consultant K-12 Manitoba Education Telephone: 204-945-6943 or 1-800-282-8069, extension 6943 Email: Renée Gillis Conseillère pédagogique en sciences humaines Social Studies Consultant Bureau de l'éducation française 509 - 1181 avenue Portage Winnipeg (MB) R3G 0T3 (204) 945-6934 Email : Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth Education for Sustainable Development