Guidelines and the Processes Standards 2019 Guidelines and the Processes Prof. Stephen Arkle Commissioner CAA 13 June 2019
When? 2019 Standards will apply to all applications received by CAA after 31 October 2019. Old Standards will apply to those received before 1 November 2019. Current licensures will normally run their full span. Current accreditations will normally run their full span.
When? The 2019 Standards (including the risk assessment) will not be applied retrospectively. Accreditations made under the 2011 Standards stay under those Standards until re-accreditation. Substantive change requirements are little altered. The period for submission of application to the CAA prior to the intended date for implementation has been extended to 4 months and more substantial guidance is available (Annexes 1 and 17).
How Application processes are similar to previous: Self-Study and accompanying documents ERT visit ERT report with decision on approval/denial/probation Response Assessment of response Reiterative if Requirements not met not Recommendation to Council of Commissioners Accreditation or recommendation of licensure to the Minister
Pre-Approval for Opening New HEIs More defined process with additional requirements and criteria prior to application for licensure Submit proposal to Dept of Licensing & Accreditation Consult with CAA Director Undersec. for HE and CAA Director make recommendation to the Minister Minister meets HEI, consults with Undersec. and CAA Director, determines whether allowed to proceed MoI security clearance Approval of relevant authority in the Emirate
Docs. to Licensing and Accreditation Dept. Rationale Mission Outline 5 year strategic plan 5 year feasibility plan including alignment with national agenda Financial analysis and proof of financial guarantees Max SFRs in Supplementary Guidance; FG values are indicative. Plan for program accreditation Plan for international accreditation Plan for global university ranking Location & facilities plan, evidence of lease agreement if relevant
Docs to Licensing and Accreditation Dept. Rationale Mission Outline 5 year strategic plan 5 year feasibility plan Financial analysis and proof of financial guarantees Plan for program accreditation Plan for international accreditation Plan for global university ranking Location and facilities plan, evidence of agreement for lease if relevant
IIL Governance and Management Quality Assurance Research and Scholarly Activities Health, Safety and Environment Fiscal Resources, Financial Management and Budgeting Legal Compliance and Public Disclosure Community Engagement Educational Programs Faculty and Professional Staff Students Learning Resource Center, Facilities, and Infrastructure
IIL Can only apply once pre-approval process has been successfully concluded Only one campus of a multi-campus plan considered at IIL. At least one year of operation before opening a second campus. Submit (3 soft, 1 hard copy) at least 12 months in advance of intended student enrollment Application letter and application form Evidence of security clearance Local Authority (ADEK/KHDA/etc.) approval Feasibility study
IIL Feasibility study and statement of financial resources Financial analysis and financial guarantee By-Laws Site approval and architectural plan Tined action plan Organization chart Policies and procedures manual and QA Manual Faculty and staff manuals, student handbook(s) and Catalog(s) Self-Study and any additional necessary documents
RIL Application must be in advance of expiry of IIL Submit (3 soft, 1 hard copy) at least 6 months in advance of IIL expiry Application form Application letter stating that accreditation of all the HEI’s programs has been mainained Institutional vision, mission, goals and objectives By-Laws BoT and standing committee minutes (last 2 years) PPM, faculty and staff manuals, catalog, student handbooks
RIL Financial reports (last 2 financial years), aufditor’s report and management letter, evidence of financial guarantees, in stitutional strategic and operational plans Research strategy and plans Facilities master plan and commentary, List of accredited programs, and pending and non-accredited List of other accreditations/certifications The Self-Study and other necessary supporting documents
Self-Study “critically reflective, clear, detailed evidence and appropriate documentation that the institution is accomplishing its mission and offering educational programs of high quality, consistent with current international practice”
IPA Quality Assurance Educational Programs Research and Scholarly Activities Faculty and Professional Staff Students Learning Resource Center, Facilities, and Infrastructure Governance and Management Health, Safety and Environment Fiscal Resources, Financial Management and Budgeting Legal Compliance and Public Disclosure Community Engagement
IPA Cannot normally be submitted until IIL is confirmed Submit (3 soft, 1 hard copy) Application form CEO letter stating that the program(s) has BoT approval, is consistent with the institution’s mission and goals and will receive the necessary budget account of how the institution is meeting each of the applicable Standards with reference to supporting documentation
IPA Organization Chart PPM, catalog, faculty and staff manuals, student handbooks Program specification Course syllabi List of other relevant accreditations The Self-Study and other attachments e.g. faculty information, hiring plans, facility development plan budgets, market research, etc. which serve as supporting documentation for the Application.
IPA The Commission normally reviews completed and accepted Applications submitted by November 1 during the following spring semester. The Commission normally reviews completed and accepted Applications submitted by May 1 during the following fall semester
RPA Must be submitted in advance of expiry of IPA Submit (3 soft, 1 hard copy) Application form CEO letter confirming ongoing support for the program(s) the titles (including any changes) for the institution, the program, and any concentrations, in both English and Arabic
RPA Organization Chart PPM, catalog, faculty and staff manuals, student handbooks Program specification Course syllabi List of other relevant accreditations The Self-Study and other attachments e.g. faculty information, hiring plans, facility development plan budgets, etc. which serve as supporting documentation for the Application.
Self-Study “The Self-Study is a self-critical, evidence-based and analytical document which clearly shows the ways in which the institution is addressing the Standards, identifies strengths and weaknesses of the academic programs, and outlines plans for addressing the weaknesses”
Self-Study Detailed explanation of the format and required contents of the Self-Study is included in each (IILO, RIL, IPA, RPA) Procedural Manual
Responses Very similar to previous Submission within two months of receipt of ERT report All Requirements must be evidenced to be met and Suggestions demonstrated to have been considered Assessed by ERT up to three iterations but application is denied if there are outstanding issues after the third assessment
Annexes Substantive Change at Institutional Level (expansion of Stipulation 2) By-Laws (update from Stipulation 3) Policies & Procedures Manual (update from Stipulation 1A) Catalog (update from Stipulation 1F) Faculty Manual (updated from Stipulation 1C) Staff Manual (updated from Stipulation 1D) Student Handbook (updated from Stipulation 1E) QA Manual (updated from Stipulation 1B)
Annexes 12. Guidelines for Good Practice in Internships and Practicums (update from Stipulation 6). Course syllabi (update from Stipulation 5) Course Files (update of Stipulation 7) 18. Adjunct Clinical Faculty (expansion of Stipulation 9)
Annexes Feasibility Study, Financial Analysis and Timed Action Plan: Guidance on information on these matters needed for relicensure and for initial and reaccreditation. Program Specifications: Additional required documentation that defines each program Joint Degrees: Regulation of programs offered jointly with other institutions 14. Intensive Courses and Block Delivery: Regulation of these delivery modes and of summer teaching 15. Courses taught through e-learning: Replaces e-learning standards document.
Annexes Substantive Change at Program Level (expansion of Stipulation 2) 19. Equivalence Scores on Approved Tests of English Language Proficiency: New guidance. 20. Recognition of Prior Learning: Guidance aligned with NQA expectations. 21. Criteria for Teaching Hospitals/Healthcare Units within the UAE: New regulation of clinical placement learning. 22. Website Content: New regulation of HEI website content.
Other Additions Supplementary Guidance #6 Opening an Institution #9 Concerns Scheme – more defined process and accompanied by Annex 4 detailing issues that can be investigated #10 Sanctions – more defined process and accompanied by Annex 5 detailing penalties (financial penalties indicative) #12 Appeals – more defined process #11 Process for closing an Institution (or Branch) or Program - guidance
Thank you! 12:30 – 1:30 Conclusion, Questions and Discussions Prof. Mohammed Yousif Baniyas Prof. Emad Abuelrub Prof. Rhys Rowland-Jones Prof. Stephen Arkle Lunch