The Korean War (1950-1953) **Korea, once a territory of Japan, was taken by Allied forces in WWII. It was then divided into two areas: North- -under Soviet control (Communist) South- -under U.S. control (Democratic) **The dividing line between north and south was the 38th parallel. **Both sides help build the economy and armies of their controlled areas and then pulled out in 1949.
After several clashes, North Korea invades South Korea on June 25, 1950. Reactions to North Korean Invasion -United Nations calls for ceasefire -Soviets mad at U.N. for not admitting Communist China -Truman pledges U.S. support to South Korea Both sides set up different gov’ts and claimed control of both Koreas. America may have accidently encouraged invasion when Sec. of State Dean Acheson claimed containment (a defensive perimeter) from Alaska to American asian territories. North Korea may have thought they were no longer interested in Korea.
Bitter Fighting -Truman sends air and ground forces under the command of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. -Soviet supplied North Korea pushes through almost all of South Korea. -MacArthur counterattacks with help of U.N. forces and pushes all the way to border of China. -China sends troops to help North Korea. -South Korea and U.N. forces pushed back to 38th again.
General Douglas MacArthur -defies Pres. Truman’s orders -speaks out publicly against Truman -gets fired by Truman in April 1951 Stalemate -Fighting continues with no gains -Public opinion turns against war -Truman chooses not to run for reelection in 1952
Dwight D. Eisenhower -First republican president in 20 years -War hero from WWII -Promised to end war quickly Korean War Comes to an End -Eisenhower steps up bombing raids on North Korea -Threatens to use atomic bomb if necessary -Negotiations bring armistice (ceasefire) -Dividing line remains at 38th parallel **U.S. lost 54,000 men while 1.5 million Chinese and Koreans died during the conflict.
The Red Scare (round two) **The Korean War, communism taking over China, and the knowledge that the Soviet Union had tested an atomic bomb heightened fears of Americans that communists were gaining ground in the U.S. Truman’s Loyalty Program - -for federal employees - -FBI and other agencies could screen employees for signs of political disloyalty. AGLOSO -The Attorney General’s List of Subversive Organizations -made for federal government to follow but was soon picked up by state and local governments, military, hotels, defense contractors, Treasury Dept. and the State Dept. -was never clear how the list was compiled
McCarthyism -Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin -Claimed to have a list of known Communists working for the State Dept. -Questioned patriotism and ruined reputations of many government employees. -Others were afraid of him
The Downfall of McCarthyism (1954) -McCarthy’s committee investigates Communism in the U.S. Army -Hearings are televised -McCarthy makes himself look like a bully -Public opinion turns away from McCarthy -Senate votes 67-22 to condemn McCarthy for “conduct unbecoming a senator”.