Why we teach you exam skills?
Can you interpret a graph and draw conclusions from it? They are testing your skills, not your knowledge… Can you interpret a graph and draw conclusions from it? Expect questions that are only loosely related to the topics you’ve been taught. They are there to test your skills.
Why we teach you exam skills?
Expect some common sense questions People lose marks on these because they think they are more complicated than they are If you read the question in context, it’s common sense related to drug development, which is Biology.
Foldables Students could make a foldable to summarise the key points and skills they learn, adding a new page each lesson.
Exam Skills - Variables 04 September 2019 Exam Skills - Variables Learning outcomes I will be able to: Identify variables from graphs and tables Identify variables from text and descriptions Suggest control variables for investigations Numeracy Objective Ensure graphs and tables have titles and units. REMEMBER: units are put into brackets. Literacy Objective Correct tense and verb agreement. You must use the correct version of the verb to match the tense. E.g. I see / I saw. I do / I did. Main errors are: We was..... Correct to: We were..... Presentation reminders Underline titles and dates. Include full date annotation. Use a pencil and ruler where appropriate for diagrams and tables. BfL reminders Reminder about phones/headphones given at start of lesson. If phones out after, the teacher will confiscate until the end of the lesson. Maintain a calm, learning environment. No eating, drinking or shouting out.
Variables in Exam Questions The INDEPENDENT variable is always the title on the LEFT of a table or the title on the BOTTOM of a graph. It shows what is being CHANGED in the experiment. The DEPENDENT variable is always the title on the RIGHT of a table or the title on the SIDE of a graph. It shows what is being MEASURED in the experiment. The CONTROL variables you have to think of yourself. Think about what they had to KEEP THE SAME to make it FAIR. All of the following examples are from real exam papers
INDEPENDENT variable DEPENDENT variable Variables INDEPENDENT variable DEPENDENT variable Angle of incidence in degrees
INDEPENDENT variable DEPENDENT variable Variables INDEPENDENT variable DEPENDENT variable Number of blades
Variables INDEPENDENT variable DEPENDENT variable
INDEPENDENT variable DEPENDENT variable Variables INDEPENDENT variable DEPENDENT variable Year
Variables INDEPENDENT variable DEPENDENT variable
Variables INDEPENDENT variable DEPENDENT variable
Variables – Quick Quiz What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Variables – Quick Quiz What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Variables – Quick Quiz What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Variables – Quick Quiz What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Variables – Quick Quiz What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Variables – Quick Quiz What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Variables – Quick Quiz What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Can you cope if they change the layout of the table? Variables – Quick Quiz Can you cope if they change the layout of the table? What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Reminder: Variables in Exam Questions The INDEPENDENT variable is what is being CHANGED in the experiment. The DEPENDENT variable is what is being MEASURED in the experiment. The CONTROL variables are what they had to KEEP THE SAME to make it FAIR. All of the following examples are from real exam papers
Information in TEXT The independent variable (what they changed to see if it made a difference) The dependent variable (what they measured) A control variable (what they kept the same)
Information in TEXT What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Information in TEXT What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Information in TEXT What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Information in TEXT (and a diagram) What is the independent variable? What is the dependent variable? Suggest some control variables.
Why have they drawn a LINE GRAPH? What type of graph? Why have they drawn a LINE GRAPH? Because all of the data is CONTINUOUS Continuous means it can be any value Angle of incidence in degrees
Why have they drawn a BAR CHART? What type of graph? Why have they drawn a BAR CHART? Because some of the data (material) is CATEGORIC Categoric means it can only be certain values
What type of graph?
What type of graph?