EOC Review Part 6
102. Peace Corps
103. World Health Organization (WHO)
104. World Trade Organization (WTO)
105. United Nation’s International Court of Justice
107. Sanctions
108. Governmental
109. Federal
110. Local
111. County-Circuit-Appeals-Supreme
112. Preamble & Articles & Amendments (Sections)
Provide- Police Department Fire Department Schools City Streets Garbage, water, sewage
114. Provide- State Police Public Welfare Standards for schools State roads Florida National Guard
Provide- Interstate highways Military (Defense) Public Welfare Regulation of food, water and products Food and Drug Administration
116. Direct Democracy
117. Representative Democracy Republic
118. Democracy (Capitalism is economic system)
Communism (Socialism is economic system)
120. Monarchy “Absolute Monarchy”
121. Oligarchy
122. Autocracy
123. Parliamentary
124. Unitary
125. Confederation
Study, study, study makes Mr. Farrell happy, happy, happy!!!!!