Community Disaster Recovery Joan Rave Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator FEMA
Psychological Stages of Recovery
Recovery Continuum Current Status Value of Resilience Architecture for Recovery
Recovery Phases You will need far more people than you think you’ll need.
Recovery By the Numbers 90% of impacted families have housing solutions 22,708 FEMA Registrations $79 Million in Financial Assistance Direct Housing: Commercial: 344 leased, 297 Occupied Group Sites: 583 units on 4 sites (under construction) Private Sites: 125 families pending Disaster Case Management: $4.2 Million Disaster Crisis Counseling: $3 Million Disaster Unemployment: $900,000
Small Business Administration Home $515,460,900 Business $109,770,900 Economic Injury $8,241,500 FEMA Public Assistance 68 Eligible applicants 25 projects approved for $96,294,786
Post Katrina Emergency Reform Act Architecture for recovery support and coordination Adaptable, Scalable, Flexible Framework, not funding
Recovery Core Concepts Leadership and Local Primacy Unity of Effort Engaged Partnership & Inclusiveness Pre-Disaster Recovery Planning Timeliness and Flexibility Resilience and Sustainability Individual and Family Empowerment Psychological and Emotional Recovery
Identify Critical Partners & Convene Recovery Coordination Process Identify Critical Partners & Convene What happened? Assess Impacts by Sector Pre-incident Conditions What is important? Engage Community Set priorities What is the Plan? Develop Recovery Strategy Implement
16 Federal and State Agencies Long Term Interagency Recovery Coordination 16 Federal and State Agencies Infrastructure: Technical assistance for proposed Paradise Sewer Health: Psychological first aid training for teachers Targeted counseling for seniors, children, and first responders Housing: Supporting Regional Housing solutions Butte County Housing Impact Assessment (completed) Economic: Financial options for funding infrastructure, housing, business Capacity Building: Technical assistance to Butte County and Paradise Recovery planning Natural and Cultural: Watershed
What is the Value of Resilience?