Chapter 6 Section 3 The Nation Expands
Louisiana Purchase Louisiana Territory - Jefferson to start expanding to the Pacific - He wanted Spain’s territory west of the Mississippi River - Spain’s empire is weak *Problem: In 1801, France’s dictator Napoleon Bonaparte forced Spain to give territory and New Orleans to him
Louisiana Purchase Louisiana Territory - Napoleon decides to sell the territory - needs the money to fight the British - rebels in the Caribbean
Louisiana Purchase Louisiana Purchase (1803) - $15 million - territory from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains - Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the new territory
Jefferson’s Foreign Troubles Entering the Reexport Trade 1. Why did Americans participate in this ‘reexport’ trade? 2. How did the trade work (explain diagram) 3. What benefits did Americans receive from this trade? 4. Why did the British hate this trade?
Facing British Impressment page 210-211 - taking American sailors from their ships and forcing them to serve in the British navy Jefferson Asks for an Embargo - How did the embargo impact America’s economy?