Our S.P.P.C. Overview S.P.P.C. Stands for Solar Power Portable Charger (Not Super Powered Personal Computer) SPPC
The Main Problem What is the issue that is being addressed? The problem we have been faced with is in Gaza they only get eight hours of electricity a day so that means say if the kids at school are using their devices at school and their tablet dies but they have no electricity, how do they charge their device at school with no power? Quick maths!
Past Solutions What has been done to solve this problem in the past? People have done many things to help solve the power shortage in Gaza. People have donated money and supplies to help with electricity issues and people have gone online to help spread the news of what is happening in the area. The people of Gaza started to make more and more solar panels to help them improve on the power shortage as well. Solar Panels help them by using the light of the sun to make more electricity. With more electricity, they can run more things at once and for a longer amount of time. Hospitals, schools and neighborhoods will function better with more electricity.
Expanding On The S.P.P.C. What else can we do/make? We do think that the SPPC alone is a good idea but constant redraws and difference in materials and technologies could definitely grant its improvements to sizing, power storage, power output and recharge time. There are so many possibilities when it comes to constructing a power bank but our focus is wanting to keep it portable. We had an idea for a backpack attachment, as well as a larger, less portable style solar generator. These designs could be future projects. SPPC SPPC
S.P.P.C. (From some kids at Riverside.) XD Our Finishing Goal SPPC What is our end goal? Our goal for the finished project is to have it put together, packaged and transported. We also want the S.P.P.C. to look a little more fine polished as well. This will come along with design. Of course, we also want it to function. That wouldn’t be exactly swell if the device was sent off but never really worked in the first place. S.P.P.C. (From some kids at Riverside.) XD
Current Progress Has to be something different. Printing Drawing Has to be something convenient. Building Designing Packaging Transporting Build something, but what? Brainstorming Something we would use. Has to be small enough to manage.
Current Progress Draw up 1 Draw up 2 Printing Drawing Building Designing Packaging Draw up 1 Transporting Brainstorming Draw up 2 This drawing was done very early in the semester but was a great first stepping stone to build off of. This is our current design. Dimensions have not yet been assigned. We will know them when we figure out what solar panel we are using.
Current Progress We’ve been mostly in and out of the 3D modeling due to us being busy people, but we do have the basic case shape modeled up and sitting in the project folder. Printing Drawing Building Designing Packaging Transporting Brainstorming
Questions Anyone? SPPC