Motor Patrol Cookout July 27, 2019 10:00am to 2:00pm Aleppo Shrine Center We will be assisting the Motor Patrol with their cookout for children and their families from the hospital on Saturday morning July 27. We usually take 2 or 3 Mini Engines off the trailer and give them rides around the Shrine Center. We will unload the Mini Engines at 9AM. The kids should be there after 10AM. Let me know if you can attend. We need around 6 to 10 guys, but if we have more that would be a great showing and I'm sure the Motor Patrol will appreciate the help. Hours will be 10AM to about 1 PM. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 781 548 9099 or email me. Uniform of the day will be tan fire brigade shirts or red golf shirts and shorts. Hope to see you then For the Brigade Gary Bartlett