Plans for the 2004 CSC Beam Test


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Presentation transcript:

Plans for the 2004 CSC Beam Test Darin Acosta, Jay Roberts

Beam Test Goals Base goal: Additional goals: Shown at January EMU meeting Base goal: Set up pre-production system and repeat prior tests using 25 ns structured beam New CCB design Additional goals: Test TMB2004 with RAT Use new DDU+DCC (FED) developed by OSU Use fully functional Track-Finder system (self-triggering) Use fully functional XDAQ-based event builder and run control Use new crate controller developed by OSU Add an ME1/2 chamber in order to have 3-chamber test (for SP) Swap ME1/1 in for ME1/2 Mount an endcap RPC on ME1/2, connect Link board to RAT, record RPC data in TMB Add a small block of iron absorber between (15x15x30 cm?) to validate OSCAR/ORCA simulation 16 March 2004 CMS Week

Test Beam Schedule 16 March 2004 CMS Week

May/June Beam Test Schedule Two periods: Asynchronous beam May 18  June 1 CSC only at X5A for May 18  May 25 CSC + Tracker at X5A for May 26  June 1 Synchronous beam June 7  14 CSC + Tracker at X5A Muon studies with absorber best done during first week We’ll need a stand to move it in and out of beam Integrate new chambers during first period as well Electronics tests have priority during second period 16 March 2004 CMS Week

2003 CSC Beam Test @ X5A / Two support stands constructed and available Tested two ME n/2 chambers in June and September Demonstrated successful operation of electronics in a synchronous 25 ns beam, including synchronous transmission through the optical trigger links to the Track-Finder 16 March 2004 CMS Week

Possible 3-Chamber Configuration ME1/2 + ME2/2 + ME3/2 Adds ME1/2 to previous beam test configuration Requires 1 new stand Could flip ME3/2 with respect to ME2/2 to emulate mounting on disks 16 March 2004 CMS Week

Possible 3-Chamber Configuration ME1/1 + ME3/2 + ME4/2 Adds ME1/1 to previous beam test configuration Requires 1 new stand Could run with ME1/2 as well for 4-chamber configuration? 16 March 2004 CMS Week

Chamber Proposal Run with ME 1/1 + ME 1/2 + 2  ME n/2 Uses existing stands for two 10 chambers Assemble one new stand for ME 1/1 and one for ME 1/2 Stands need wheels for rotation and to roll out of beam Ability to change impact angle desirable Explore option of mounting an RPC to ME 1/2 for TMB connection Acquire peripheral crate electronics to run at least 3 chambers simultaneously We’ll need spares, so could we do all 4 chambers? Are two peripheral crates possible? Better from the point of view of the Track-Finder Need two MPC’s, two VME crate controllers, two 9U crates Gas, HV, LV for all 4 chambers (including ME1/1) DAQ system to configure and collect data from all 4 16 March 2004 CMS Week

CSC Cosmic Ray Test Facility Currently testing the ME 2/1 + ME n/2 configuration at the UF cosmic-ray test stand Plan to start integration of software/hardware for TB2004 during the week of March 29 16 March 2004 CMS Week

Status of New Electronics New CCB (Rice) Will be ready for testing in Florida by March 29 Discrete logic implementation and TTCRq (QPLL) support TMB2004 (UCLA) Not yet available, expect 30 or more soon 4  TMB2003 will be made compatible with TMB2004 Software changes for TMB2004 are expected to be small DDU+DCC (Ohio State) Layout about completed Produced (tested?) by end of March New VME controller for peripheral crate (Ohio State) Also ready by end of March Track-Finder Sector Processor (UF) and Muon Sorter (Rice) tested and ready 16 March 2004 CMS Week

Track-Finder Self-Trigger The Sector Processor has been fully tested since last beam test Track-finding is now possible Alignment offsets to wiregroup data will be added to emulate muons coming from collision point in beam test Full readout of inputs and outputs for tagging mode A Level-1 Accept signal will be generated based on the presence of a track Goes onto bussed backplane to CCB, then out front-panel Can be used to self-trigger the CSC system 16 March 2004 CMS Week

Slow Control & Monitoring Would be desirable to test DCS prototype during beam test and monitor some quantities (LV, temp,…) We ran half-blind last year… R.Clare thinks this should be possible Track-Finder will have LCT and L1 Track counters, as well as link error counters At the very least, these will be periodically read out and stored in a separate file for rate measurements We should think about having histograms produced in near real-time to judge quality of data 16 March 2004 CMS Week

Manpower Preparations Institutes contributing electronics or chambers must have at least one expert available at CERN during tests Chambers should be moved late April or early May CERN FAST site + Dubna Florida plans: In addition to Levchenko and ISR team, several physicists to arrive beginning ~May 6 Engineers arrive before 25 ns run Rice plans: Several physicists to arrive beginning early May, engineer by 25 ns run Dubna: Physicists and technician available Others: ? 16 March 2004 CMS Week

September/October Beam Test? Goals are ambitious for June! Use September test beam cycle to finish anything not accomplished in June? Move to H2? Could effectively have a “slice test” with HCAL, ME1/1, and DT We use a similar Run Control and DAQ system already ME1/1 wants to participate, but that implies already we are involved! (peripheral crate, software) Logistics and visa issues? HCAL/DT test goals already oversubscribed? First beam test with DT Track-Finder CSC manpower burn-out? Anyway, this year’s test beams will be the last for several years 16 March 2004 CMS Week