1.9 Conventional Facilities Project Overview Linac Coherent Light Source -Description -Progress and Changes -Issues & Good Things -Response to Recommendations 1.1 Management, Global Controls 1.2 Injector 1.3 Linac 1.3 e-Beam Transport Far Experiment Hall (underground) 1.4 Undulator Near Experiment Hall 1.5 X-Ray Transport/Optics/Diagnostics 1.6 Endstation Systems 1.9 Conventional Facilities
LCLS Design Parameters Fundamental FEL Radiation Wavelength 1.5 15 Å Electron Beam Energy 14.3 4.5 GeV Normalized RMS Slice Emittance 1.2 1.2 mm-mrad Peak Current 3.4 3.4 kA ρ Parameter 4x10-4 8x10-4 Bunch/Pulse Length (FWHM) ≤230 ≤ 230 fs Relative Slice Energy Spread @ Entrance <0.01 0.025 % Saturation Length 87 25 m FEL Fundamental Saturation Power @ Exit 8 17 GW FEL Photons per Pulse 1 29 1012 Peak Brightness @ Undulator Exit 0.8 0.06 1033 * Transverse Coherence Full Full RMS Slice X-Ray Bandwidth 0.06 0.24 % RMS Projected X-Ray Bandwidth 0.13 0.47 % * photons/sec/mm2/mrad2/ 0.1%-BW
Straight Ahead Spectrometer 1.2 Injector RF Gun 10/2005 Shutdown Load Lock L0-1 & L0-2 3-m SLAC Sections Gun Diagnostics Laser Heater Transverse RF Cavity DL1 Bend Straight Ahead Spectrometer
1.3 Linac
1.4 Undulator Systems
1.5 X-ray Transport, Optics, and Diagnostics Layout FEH NEH Flipper Mirror Tunnel FEE FEL Measurements & Experiments: Low Power Imaging High Power Imaging Spectrometer Calorimeter Front End Enclosure Fast Close Valve Slits Attenuators Shielding FEH Optics: Pulse-Split-&-Delay Monochromator
1.6 Endstation Systems Soft XR Atomic Physics Experiment (NEH hutch 1) Computer network Personnel Protection Machine Protection Prototype detector Soft XR Atomic Physics Experiment (NEH hutch 1) Optics: monochromator, focusing system Laser system (higher power) Sample System Chambers (sample, diagnostics) UHV system Detectors (particles, e, ions) Diagnostics (x rays, laser) 1.6 Endstation Systems FEH NEH Tunnel FEE
1.9 Conventional Facilities Sector 20 Injector Magnet Meas. Bids in
1.9 Conventional Facilities Title – II design underway X-ray Transport (250m) Far Expt. Hall Near Expt. Hall Undulator Hall (175m) Beam Dump (40M) Front End (29m) Linac-to-Undulator (227m) Far Expt. Hall 2nd Undulator Line 3rd Undulator Line Near Experiment Hall
1.9 Conventional Facilities Undulator Hall (175m) Beam Dump (40M) Front End (29m) X-ray Transport (250m) Far Expt. Hall Near Expt. Hall Linac-to-Undulator (227m) Central Lab Office Complex (CLOC) Capacity >260 72,000 GSF Total 150-Seat Conference Room
LCLS – Revised Estimated Cost, Schedule $315M Total Estimated Cost (includes $59.7M contingency) $379M Total Project Cost FY2005 Long-lead purchases for injector, undulator FY2006 Construction begins FY2008 FEL Commissioning begins FY2009 Q2 Construction complete – operations begin – CD-4 CD-2b XFEL Commissioning CD-0 CD-1 CD-2a Title I Design Complete CD-3b FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 FY2008 FY2009 Project Engineering Design Long-Lead Procurement Construction Operation CD-3a CD-4
FY2005 – Start Long-Lead Procurements Authorized December 2004 President’s Budget FY2006
LCLS Project – Safety Management About to transit from administrative/design activities to construction activities Training profiles must change accordingly About to heavily exercise LCLS-SLAC synapses Citizens’ committees Matrix support from the SLAC organization SLAC oversight Coordination of LCLS activities at ANL, LLNL
Progress, Changes 1.1 Management 1.2 Injector 1.3 Linac Safety organization in place Division ISM Plan in place Project Construction Safety Plan ready for implementation on first construction LCLS Organization integrating with safety management organization across SLAC site 1.2 Injector Finalized gun design, “build” strategy Laser selected Gun in fabrication at SLAC Preparations for October: vacuum connection to linac, waveguide (if time permits) Injector laser tests at LLNL, ANL – temporal, transverse shaping 1.3 Linac Revised construction schedule to make best use of shutdown time X-band RF system – underway Klystron construction >50% Chicane Magnets vendor survey
1.4 Undulator Systems Progress, Changes Magnet Blocks Awarded Magnet Poles Awarded Strongback Awarded Undulator Measurement Lab designed RFP issued for room On track for complete delivery of undulators by June 2007 Design Changes Electromagnet quadrupoles Aluminum surface in undulator vacuum chamber Fixed supports in ANL scope Planning production prototype tests
Damage experiments at DESY TTF-II Attenuator system design proceeding 1.5 XTOD Progress, Changes Damage experiments at DESY TTF-II Attenuator system design proceeding combination of gas, solid attenuation simplifies design Front-end layout under revision Low-pass filter mirrors before Near Hall Gets rid of very hard spontaneous radiation No direct line-of-sight to undulator
Scope revised to create soft x-ray atomic physics experiment station 1.6 Progress, Changes Scope revised to create soft x-ray atomic physics experiment station Plan to instrument additional stations: “Major Item of Equipment” initiative for 4 stations High Energy Density Physics Station will seek funding outside of DOE-BES
1.9 Conventional Facilities Title-II underway Completion 30 November Delay in selection of Construction Manager/General Contractor Alternative plan for constructability review Possible baseline change- Far Experiment Hall Layout Nearly cost-neutral
FEH Alternative Layout Presented to Facility Advisory Committee & Scientific Advisory Committee 151 ft
Issues Cost/schedule- cross the fiscal year line in a dignified manner – carryover plus $30M/12 Injector, Linac- Plan the 2006, 2007 shutdowns X-Ray T/O/D: Ramp up effort X-ray Endstations- coordinate with MIE CF: CM/GC award schedule, constructability reviews, Title-II Startup- Not too early to start planning
Good Things Baseline budget/schedule in place Consistent with ICE for conventional facilities LCLS Management organization strengthened Procurement cell, authorization in place Safety- Staffing in place, integration with SLAC, processes revised in PEP startup CM/GC contract structured nicely Experiment teams getting ready SLAC transformation underway
Action Items from 10 August 2005 Re-evaluate the project’s proposed baseline cost and schedule, and submit a revision to DOE/SC by October 15, 2004 – Done Reviewed 12 November Now the baseline Initiate weekly project conference calls between LCLS, the DOE Stanford Site Office, and the Office of Science in August 2004 - Done Weekly teleconferences have been held weekly since the August review. Conduct the next DOE Review in February/March 2005 – May 10,2005 Approval of CD-2B complete
Recommendations - Management Revise lead times for Advance Procurement Plans – Done Procurements on track but- Construction manager contract award – 30 September Dedicated procurement cell – Done David McGiven Reports to Jerry Jobe Co-located with LCLS Totally dedicated to LCLS Dedicated group leader, $2M authority 3 buyers/contract managers Freeman, Patten, Villenueva Admin. posted
Recommendations (cont’d) Expedite the completion of Long Lead procurement items designs and issuing of procurement bid packages.- Done: Project Management PMCS Award (Awarded February 2005) Injector Drive Laser (Vendor selected, award on schedule – May 2005) Linac BC1, BC2 Magnets (“MOU” strategy, no schedule risk) Linac RF X-Band (“Make at SLAC” strategy, ahead of schedule) Undulator Magnet Blocks (Awarded April 2005) Undulator Magnet Poles (Awarded March 2005) Undulator Titanium Strongbacks (Awarded March 2005) Expedite the development, review and approval of the project Construction Manager Statement of Work and procurement bid package to meet project need date. - Done Complete in early December 2004 Now under review at the DOE-SSO This model has been used successfully on LBL’s Molecular Foundry Selected for review by DOE-HQ prior to issuance of a request for proposals The CM/GC APP has been revised Risk mitigation strategy being implemented
Recommendations (cont’d) Revise Advance Procurement Management Plan to make Project Procurement Lead responsible for the maintenance of the Project Procurement Tracking System - Done The Advance Procurement Management Plan (APMP) has been revised to make the LCLS Procurement Manager responsible for tracking LCLS procurements. The APMP is now being further revised to reflect separate authority levels. A final version of the APMP is due June 30, 2005. Re-evaluate the overall project costs and schedule by October 15, 2004, based on the Review Committee concerns associated with the limited project staff onboard now and early in FY-05 and due to the aggressive schedule for the project – Done Develop a comprehensive project management staffing plan and work with the SLAC management to implement this plan within the first quarter of FY-05 - Done
Recommendations (cont’d) Re-evaluate the overall project costs and schedule – Done See Mark’s talk Develop a comprehensive project management staffing plan and work with the SLAC management to implement this plan within the first quarter of FY-05 - Done Presented at the CD-2b “Delta” Review on November 12, 2004 Memoranda of Understanding (MOU’s) have been written between LCLS and the relevant SLAC Departments (Klystron and Controls) Additional MOU’s are in development between LCLS and the Conventional & Experimental Facilities Department (CEF) as well as with Metrology In some cases where direct line management is desirable, key personnel have been transferred into the LCLS Division.
Recommendations (cont’d) Reconsider the risks associated with implementing the OPC activities and the need for an OPC management reserve by October 15, 2004. - Done The OPC Management Reserve was revised with the November cost and schedule estimate from its original $500K to $5,461K for month-ending March 2005. This revision is now part of the Project Baseline. Implement a uniform level of project controls for SLAC and the partner laboratories by the next SC Review. Done Milestones, level of detail in PMCS is more uniform Integrated cost and schedule system with a critical path. The LCLS Earned-Value Management System (EVMS) and Change Management is in and operating uniformly across the project.
Recommendations (Cont’d) …the SLAC Director should communicate the long term importance of the LCLS Project and its scientific program to the SLAC staff as part of the future vision of SLAC. This information will support the LCLS Project staffing plan and the need to encourage the necessary talent to participate in the construction and operation of the LCLS. – (also 12 November recommendation) -Done The heightened visibility of the LCLS Project at SLAC is evident in the very satisfactory staffing of the controls/computing group by SLAC personnel. Support is improving in the area of low-level RF and mechanical engineering, although power/electrical distribution engineering may need to be brought in from outside SLAC. On January 18th and April 6th, 2005, in “All Hands” presentations (and memos), the SLAC Director communicated to the Laboratory the future of SLAC and the long-range DOE investment and commitment to SLAC in the form of the LCLS. These announcements had a discernable positive effect on staffing the LCLS
Recommendations (cont’d) For the next SC Review there needs to be an agenda item on the role of the LCLS at SLAC and the operation of the LCLS in 2010 and beyond - Done The role of LCLS at SLAC and the operation of LCLS in 2009 and beyond will be presented at the May 10-12 SC Review. The 2006 President’s Budget allocates $30M to BES for the operation of the SLAC linac, and predicted that PEP-II B-Factory operations will cease by 2008 at the latest. SLAC management has begun planning the transition of the Laboratory to a multi-program organization. Continue to enhance the risk assessment process and utilize the risk assessments when evaluating available contingency. Consider reviewing and updating the Risk Registry monthly, instead of semi-annually - Done Risk assessments are reviewed/updated monthly during the regular LCLS Risk Management Meeting. Identified risks of sufficient magnitude (identified in the LCLS Risk Management Plan) are captured in the Risk Registry.
Linac Design is Mature and Stable Single bunch, 1-nC charge, 1.2-mm slice emittance, 120-Hz repetition rate… 6 MeV z 0.83 mm 0.05 % 135 MeV z 0.83 mm 0.10 % 250 MeV z 0.19 mm 1.6 % 4.30 GeV z 0.022 mm 0.71 % 13.6 GeV z 0.022 mm 0.01 % Linac-X L =0.6 m rf= -160 rf gun new Linac-1 L 9 m rf -25° Linac-2 L 330 m rf -41° Linac-3 L 550 m rf -10° Linac-0 L =6 m 21-1b 21-1d X 21-3b 24-6d 25-1a 30-8c undulator L =130 m ...existing linac BC-1 L 6 m R56 -39 mm BC-2 L 22 m R56 -25 mm DL-1 L 12 m R56 0 LTU L =275 m R56 0 SLAC linac tunnel research yard (RF phase: frf = 0 is at accelerating crest)
Recommendations (cont’d) Reevaluate the schedule and schedule contingency based on the recommendations and findings in this report and provide an updated schedule to DOE by October 15, 2004. –Done Subject of 12 November Review Reevaluate near term critical procurement plans to reflect realistic procurement start dates and durations - Done Analyze conventional construction contracting durations to accommodate potential complexity of the work. - Done
Recommendations (cont’d) Bring on board a full time dedicated ES&H professional with a construction background -Done A full-time LCLS ES&H coordinator, Michael Scharfenstein, reports directly to the Project Director. Richard Hislop (ANL) working on LCLS Execute a plan, which allows LCLS management to take a more active role in developing the safety plan, and execution of the safety program after construction begins – Draft Done LCLS is establishing processes that integrate ISM into the LCLS work scope, working closely with the SLAC ES&H organization Will have a program in place by the start of work of the first contract LCLS has also begun the development of a construction safety program Develop a LCLS specific Construction Safety Plan (CSP) with Integrated Safety Management (ISM) at its core... A document should be in place prior to letting the first contract bid package – Will be implemented before first construction LCLS has developed a draft Construction Safety Program that specifies work practices on the construction site consistent with ISM principles.
Recommendations (cont’d) Review SLAC’s contract/procurement packages to assure that all LCLS ES&H requirements are included in the bid documents - Implemented The contractor selection criteria and ES&H requirements are included in the construction procurement packages Develop a contractor pre-bid and pre-construction LCLS ES&H orientation. December 2004 – In Process The criteria for pre-bid and pre-construction meetings have been defined. An outline for a contractor ES&H orientation has been developed and is currently being reviewed by the laboratory for completeness. Develop an ES&H procedure to be included in the Construction Safety Plan (CSP), as well as a QA/QC process for the partner laboratory’s equipment and their employees (coming to SLAC) to assure compliance with LCLS’ requirements - Agreed Establishment of ES&H and QA requirements for acceptance of partner labs’ deliverables will be completed before the end of FY2005 Review the need for dedicated Laser Safety Officer (LSO) to support the LCLS’ safety team – Implemented for Injector Laser Since April 2004, Sasha Gilevich has been the Injector Laser Safety Officer SLAC has a site Laser Safety Officer SLAC ES&H Coordinating Council will charter a Laser Safety Citizens’ Committee The new Laser Group Leader will take an active role in management of laser safety
Recommendations (cont’d) Review LCLS’ future safety requirements, Industrial Hygiene, Environmental, and the expected support from SLAC’s ES&H team - Done In consultation with the SLAC ES&H Division and SLAC management, LCLS has a go-forward plan for safety management Two safety professionals dedicated to the LCLS Contract support for fire safety hazard analysis These functions, supplemented by SLAC and ES&H Division support, will meet the needs of the LCLS. Explore using an Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) instead of contractors supplying Workers Compensation insurance -In process The estimated value of the conventional facilities contract is lower than that which generally warrants a stand-alone OCIP The selected General Contractor will be approached to determine if their total volume of work would enable them to include the LCLS project in a rolling Contractor Controlled Insurance Program The project is continuing to explore similar options that will motivate the GC to implement program elements common to those found in OCIPs.
12 November Recommendations LCLS management should make clear that the E-beam and X-ray Systems Managers are full line management positions - Agreed The LCLS Project Management Plan clearly calls out the E-Beam, X-Ray and Conventional Facilities Manager as full line management positions. Utilize the Consultant to the full extent needed– Agreed Recruit the Procurement Team Leader on an expedited basis. Yup Finalize the concept for and get the CM/GC under contract as quickly as can be done on a sound basis- Done Get the FY05 procurements as far along as possible and as soon as possible so as to be ready to use FY05 BA effectively – Agreed All FY05 Long-Lead Procurements are well underway Evaluate the need and take the necessary steps to establish a LCLS procurement system that would support a request for procurement authority of order $2M - Done Lay the preparatory work for hiring staff or transferring existing SLAC personnel so the new players can be brought on-board as soon as possible after funding is available. – Much Progress
End of Presentation