Poster/PowerPoint & Presentation! Name: ________________________ Country:_______________________ Culture Project Poster/PowerPoint & Presentation! Objective: To learn more about people, their cultures and traditions in a country other than the United States. Important Due Dates: __________________ Choose a any country that you would like to know more about. You need to research all aspects of culture in that country. Just a few examples: religion, holidays, festivals, dances, food, families, traditional clothing, traditional music, traditional art, famous landmark, famous monument, architecture, etc. Once you have your research, create an intriguing, eye-catching poster or PowerPoint presentation highlighting all the aspects of the culture (must include pictures). For the PowerPoint, include between 10-12 slides. For the poster, use a poster that is at least 18x24 inches or 20x30 inches. Prepare a 2-3 minute presentation that you will give to the class. Notecards are helpful. Please write your speech in your own words. If you can find an example of something from your category to show the class, please bring it in to make your presentation more interesting. Examples would be: a traditional food, demonstrate a traditional dance, show us a traditional item of clothing, a sample of music, etc.
Culture Project Religion Language Food Brainstorming List Name: ________________________ Country:_______________________ Religion Every country has a predominant religion, what is that religion in your country? How does that shape the culture? Language What is the predominant language spoken in your country? Food A rich and diverse category with endless possibilities! What type of food do people eat in your country? Why is that food popular there? How is that food made?
Culture Project Festivals & Holiday Music, Dance, Art, etc. Brainstorming List Festivals & Holiday Every town in every country has special festivals and holidays, some more well-known than others. Some search tips: -Type “Famous Festivals in ______________.” -Tell me about 3 big festivals or holidays in your country Music, Dance, Art, etc. Each country has a rich history of music, traditional dancing, art, etc. What does this look or sound like in your country? How does it shape the culture in your country?
Culture Project Architecture Fun facts Brainstorming List A surprisingly fascinating category! Google search: “Famous architecture in _______” and see the possibilities! How is the architecture in your country shaped by the culture? Fun facts What are some other fun facts about your country’s culture that you found in your research? examples: family structures, historical/famous monuments or landmarks, clothing styles, popular games or sports, etc.