TGaj editor report for Sponsor Ballot


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Presentation transcript:

TGaj editor report for Sponsor Ballot Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 TGaj editor report for Sponsor Ballot Date: 2017-04-26 Author(s): Jiamin Chen, Huawei Jiamin Chen, Huawei

Abstract This document reports the current status of the comment resolution to CIDs received from initial sponsor ballot on TGaj D5.0. Jiamin Chen, Huawei

Update for comment resolution on TGaj D5.0 (Initial Sponsor Ballot) Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 Update for comment resolution on TGaj D5.0 (Initial Sponsor Ballot) TGaj D5.0 passed Initial Sponsor Ballot in April 2017 with 97% approval rate In total of 75 comments were received. The corresponding comments database is 11-17/0613r1. These comments were classified into following groups: 32 Editorial comments (ER) 11 General comments (GR) 32 Technical comments (TR) TGaj will try to resolve these CIDs on the conference call and in May meeting. Jiamin Chen, Huawei John Doe, Some Company

Thank You! Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 Jiamin Chen, Huawei