Education Activities Coordinator Report March 2006
Education Activities The EAB at IEEE Debates on the IEEE Policies on Educational matters and implement programs specially intended to serve and benefit IEEE Members in educational pursuits EAB also is the IEEE interface in educational related matters with external Bodies
EABs Duties Broad planning of educational activities of the IEEE Development and delivery of continuing education products and activities Development of guidelines for the IEEE representatives to accreditation bodies Monitoring of accreditation activities Coordination of pre-College programs Representation of the IEEE in matters regarding engineering education
Education Activities At the Region 10 level the role of Education Activity Coordinator is to promote EAB objectives in the Region 10 and voice the concern of Region 10 membership in these pursuits whenever relevant Also Financially support, to the extent possible education related activities of the sections/entities in region Provide Information support to IEEE membership in the region on educational activities Provide financial support for the Distinguished Lecture program of the Societies to meet local hospitality and Regional travel if any
Education Activities In the past Year we have provided information and support to Section & Memberships including student branches and new Section like Sri Lanka on Education Related Matters Provided input to the formation of new student branches especially in India and also on REP requirements On the Financial Support for DLP and education activities out of the requests received the following recommendations have been made to the Regional Office
Education Activities Requests for support received & amounts recommended Gujarat SectionFor Seminar on Network Security $ 885-$ 500 Delhi SectionFor DLP $ 1000-$ 1000 Seoul SectionFor Visit of Prof. Jerry Gibson CalcuttaCalcon 05 $ 1250-$ 500 SrilankaNo Specific request yet BombayGreen India-Clean Energy Seminar $ 2500-$ 500
Education Activities o Attended the SECC, SOCC Meeting of the EAB to provide regional viewpoints on proposals Some of the issues under discussion are: Optimize Society Participation in EAB activities Quarterly Newsletter updating EAB/EAD Product & Services Production of new modules for Expert-XELL Promotion of CEUS One step Shop Website for EA Develop New Educational Services.
Education Activities oOn the requests for possible Regional DLP and inclusion of names, there has been no new additions this year. The Criteria for inclusion has been streamlined on the basis of Peer Review oHave Contracted the ISTE, New Delhi, Telnet, New Delhi and TCS in Trivandrum, Infosys Education Foundation in Mysore for Possible Education Partners o A few Sections in India have offered to on the Continuing Education Spectrum in Paved Engg. Discipline with a long term Commitment oWould welcome Proposals and new project support requests in the areas of standard Education or accreditation activities or possible Education Partners in the web basis Education Program of IEEE
Budget Request for this year- $ 12500/-