Work Permit Application Process
Click link to work permit application page *網址
Click 僑外生工讀申請(Work permit for Foreign Students, Overseas Chinese Students and Ethnic Chinese Students)
Click 申請帳號(Apply for an account)
Register for an account *Must remember account that you register (account number must contain english letter and number; password need have 8 character with letter, number and special symbol [Ex:can123.])
Sign in the account that you register
Click 新增案件及管理
Click 新增申請案件(add application)
Choose 工作許可(work permit)
Fill in the data *date must not exceed 6 months (Frist semester: September - February Second semester: March - August)
After finish filling data, click 案件暫存(save application)
Upload picture,click 上傳檔案(upload file)
Upload student card picture *Click 請選擇檔案 choose the file
Student card infront and back *student card behind must have new semester school register stamp *picture must change in pdf file *picture must separate into two pdf file
Upload passport Personal data page and Visa page *Click 請選擇檔案 choose the file
Passport personal data page, Visa page *picture must change in pdf file *picture must separate into two pdf file
Upload resident permit *Click 請選擇檔案 choose the file
Resident permit infront and back *Resident permit must renew *picture must change in pdf file *picture must separate into two pdf file
After finish all steps click 送學校審核(submit to school for examination)
*Please check work peermit status yourself all the way *If work permit have arrival in school, the person responsible will inform you come international office to take work permit. *Please be patient.