Worship to IL-SUNG KIM, on Apr-15-2013 J. E. Kim The First Chairman Military Commission S. T. Jang Vice Chaiman Military Commission Y. H. Choi Total Director Military Politics G. S. Kim Chief People’s Forces W. H. Kim Chief National Security Y. C. Kim Vice Chairman Military Commission G. O. Kim Vice Minister Organization Directing D. C. Park Director Military Logistics C. H. Hyun Vice Chief People’s Force Y. C. Hyun Chief Military Staff http://joongang.joinsmsn.com/article/405/11238405.html?ctg=1000 Worship to IL-SUNG KIM, on Apr-15-2013
Many citizens (include military soldiers and student) had floral service to their late leaders of NK on Apr-15-2013.
Out-door performance for birthday of late Il-Sung Kim & late Jeong-Il Kim on Apr-15-2013.
Out-door performance for birthday of late Il-Sung Kim & late Jeong-Il Kim on Apr-15-2013. Scout begin its camping to remember the late leaders of NK