Drama Homework One: The Kip Witches Research Largs Academy Drama Homework One: The Kip Witches Research For the next lesson you should do some research to explore what village life was like back then. You can use the internet or books from the library. You should try to find at least three facts. You can also cut out and stick any images you find. http://mrsstrahandrama.weebly.com
You have ensured you research village life and not witch trials You have sought out interesting facts instead of writing down the first three things you find. You have stated the sources you used to obtain your information. You have printed and attached some useful information. You have included diagrams and illustrations in your research. You have used your own words instead of copying directly from the source You have consulted something other than the internet to complete your research. Your work is well presented. You are a homework Superstar! Other Comments (strengths and areas for improvement)