class news Miss Jackson’s A Note from the Teacher Week of January 23rd A Note from the Teacher What’s Happening in... Reading/Writing – This week we focused on books about snow and snowmen. We continue working on reading strategies as well with our decodable readers. We also did some fun snowmen writings! Sight Words – one, two, three, four, five Math – We are continuing to work on solving addition and subtraction equation and teen numbers.. Please turn in homework by the due date, unless your child is absent. In that case it will be due when they return to school. Students who do not turn in their homework by due date will not receive credit and possible prizes. Please review and practice all sight words with your child. It is crucial for them to know these words, so that we can begin reading! You can make them into flashcards and practice them with your child every night. Please practice reading with your child. The books that come home in their red folders are great! Please work with your student on their handwriting, especially writing their first and last name. Have students practice counting. By the end of kindergarten they must be able to count to 100 by ones, fives and tens. If your child comes home with unfinished work, please complete it with them and send it back. Review letters (upper/lowercase) and letter sounds with your child. Don’t forget to clean out your child’s red folder each night to make sure you don’t miss any important papers. Dates to remember January 30th- 100th Day of School February 16th-21st- Parent/Teacher Conferences February 24th- Yearbook form due February 27th- Field Trip permission slips due Thank You, Miss Jackson